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温柔意味着你有一个受教的精神。Meekness means you have a teachable spirit.

这些民是谦卑的也是可教的。These nations will be humble and teachable.

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管理是一门可以学.但不能直接传授的艺术。Management is a learnable but not directly teachable art.

波寇维兹认为,电影中的错误是可以避免的。Mistakes in movies can be teachable moments, Perkowitz said.

昨天的经历对于我的孩子来说就是一个教育时机。Yesterday's experience was a teachable moment for my children.

这正是为什么我们要存谦卑受教的态度才能成长的原因。This is why you cannot grow without a humble, teachable attitude.

因为耶稣虽然卑微,但他是对那些可教的才这样。For while Jesus was lowly, he wasso with regards to the teachable.

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据说在人的一生中有几个可教的时刻。It is said that persons have few teachable moments in their lives.

温柔的人是可以做出有益的选择来使自己受教的人。A meek person is someone who has made the healing choice to be teachable.

这是人类不断汲取的一个教训,我们两国的关系史中也不乏其例。This kind of language needs to be a teachable moment, I think, for our country.

但是,由于某种原因,教育时机到来了又走了,我们却从中没有学到任何东西。For whatever reason, however, the teachable moment came and went with nothing learned.

教授写作风格比教授写作基本要点要难,然而它是可以通过学习获得的,但前提是你必须耐心、专心,最重要的是要坚持练习。Style is rather less teachable than the nuts and bolts of writing, but it is learnable.

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可教的。门徒渴慕学习长进从而他可以有更多的得着以分享给他人。Teachable . A disciple is eager to learn more so that he has more to share with others.

我们看到这位弥赛亚、君尊义仆、耶稣是如此地谦逊、受教。What we see is the Messiah, the servant king, Jesus Christ, who was humble and teachable.

那应该使父母更接近他们的孩子,提高那可教的时刻,他说。That should bring the parent closer to their child, enhancing that teachable moment, he said.

遗憾的是,新十年的头一个年头,这种乐听教育时刻已泛滥成灾。Unfortunately, there were a plethora of teachable moments in the first year of the new decade.

9-11岁这个时期孩子处于易于教导阶段,是开始给孩子这方面教导的最佳时机。The "teachable years" of nine to eleven are probably the best time to start talking to your children.

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李博士说,发现自己小孩撒谎,不用惊奇,但应把它当成进行“教育小孩良机”。Dr Lee said that catching your children lying was not a bad hing but should be exploited as a " "teachable moment".

普莱斯认为这些工作的候选人是“可以改变的”。他声称所有公司将会适应这种情况。Prising calls these job candidates a "teachable fit," and it's a concept he says companies will have to get used to.

普莱斯认为这些工作的候选人是“可以改变的”。他声称所有公司将会适应这种情况。Prising calls these job candidates a "teachable fit, " and it's a concept he says companies will have to get used to.