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他慷慨地款待我们。He did us handsomely.

这样做最终将让您漂亮地搞定一切。Doing so will pay off handsomely in the end.

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在瑞士央行的举措之后,他的押注收到了丰厚回报。That bet paid off handsomely after the SNB's move.

那是一间宽敞舒适的大屋子,布置得很精致。It was a large, well-proportioned room, handsomely fitted up.

我的妻子在北京买了一对制造精美,又大又便宜的提桶。In Beijing my wife bought a pair of pails , big, cheap and handsomely made.

咨询家们气派地拿到报酬帮助公司制定争取的价格。Consultants get paid handsomely to help companies arrive at the right price.

你要做很多研究和一些令人乏味的事情,但是工资会很高。You'll do a lot of research and generally boring stuff. Bui you'll be paid handsomely.

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这家新能源开发企业有朝一日会为他土地上吹过的风慷慨的支付费用。The alternative-energy developer may someday make the wind that blows over his land pay handsomely.

例如,在2009年市场恐慌时期,风险溢价激增,那时买进股票的人获利颇丰。Risk premiums ballooned, for example, in the panic of 2009, and folks who bought then profited handsomely.

因为我必使你得极大的尊荣,你向我要什么,我就给你什么,只求你来为我咒诅这民。because I will reward you handsomely and do whatever you say. Come and put a curse on these people for me.

有必要重申此产品是第三方软件,您将为它支付可观的费用。It is important to reiterate that this product is third-party software, and you will pay handsomely for it.

把她带到森林里去,如果你能给我带回什么证据证明她死了,我会给你很慷慨的回报。Take her out into the wood, and if you bring me some proofs that she is dead, I will reward you handsomely.

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夜贼们怀着房主一夜都不回来的侥幸心理冒险作案——结果代价惨重。The burglars took a chance on the owner of the house staying away all night -a chance that paid off handsomely.

当意识到在过去的40年中自己的少量投资的策略现在终于有了可观的收益时,你不禁喜上眉头。You smile as you realize your own modest investment strategy over the last forty years has paid off handsomely.

我所知道的如果你在食用前让这个混合物放上几天,你将会得到吃东西动作优美的回报。All I know is that if you let this mixture sit for a few days before you use it you will be rewarded handsomely.

有人建议使用电视宣传店内促销以及邮购设施收到了丰厚的回报。A suggestion to use a TV campaign to advertise in-store promotions and mail-order facilities paid off handsomely.

难怪你讨了个美国老婆,品位不错,很漂亮的一个女士,在东京,我们可以给你高薪安家。That's why you marry an American girl, good taste, she is a beautiful lady, We can pay your family handsomely in Tokyo.

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不过,把奴隶卖给拉塔塔克军阀却能挣不少钱,军阀们会为战斗中的任何外来优势慷慨解囊。But credits could be made by importing slaves to the war barons, who would pay handsomely for any exotic edge in combat.

对于做出突出贡献的知识分子应给予重奖,并形成规范化的奖励制度。We should reward handsomely the intellectual who make outstanding contributions , and introduce a regular reward system.

他对所有来访的外国知识分子来说,成了伦敦的主要景色之一,而他也会慷慨地款待这些拜访者。He becomes one of the principal sights of London for all visiting intellectual foreigners, whom he entertains handsomely.