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我们应以现实主义的手法表现这一主题。We should treat the theme realistically.

实际上,我认为我们能攀到更高的位置。I think realistically we can finish higher.

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需要现实地考虑一下今后的任务。We need to think realistically about the task ahead.

计算出你实际能够投入多少时间。Figure out how much time you realistically can devote.

他现实地回顾他的职业道路和教育。He realistically reviews his career paths and education.

当他们尿的过程中,这两个雕塑看起来非常逼真。While they are peeing, the two figures move realistically.

第一章真实地描绘了这一状况。The situation is realistically pictured in the first chapter.

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球员们在争夺球时真实地拼抢。Players jostle and collide realistically while trying to win balls.

有基于模型表明碰撞检测的现实?Is there a NetLogo model that shows collision detection realistically?

在剂量方面,我觉得越多就越好,但实际上200毫克。In terms of dose, I think the more the better, but realistically 200 mg.

综上所述,尼克斯球迷对罗斯现实的期望应该是啥?With all that in mind, what can Knick fans realistically expect from Rose?

在这个阶段,您将了解您所处的位置和您可以实际达到的程度。This is where you will learn where you are and where you can go realistically.

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实事求是地详细,土色调插图注意力集中在每一个场景。Realistically detailed, earth-toned illustrations focus attention on each scene.

实际地学历史可读列传而非教科书。Better to learn history realistically by reading biographies rather than textbooks.

富于激情、善于用当代意识观照现实,这是电视剧艺术走向成功的关键。For a TV show to be successful, it has to be passionate and realistically revealing.

所以我可能会告诉更现实地设定我的目标,或者编写自己的模型。So I could choose between setting my goals more realistically or writing my own model.

用间歇训练法在三十分钟内,你就能确实的得到完全训练目的。You can realistically get a complete workout in thirty minutes with interval training.

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这一计划按项目经理的预期,已经做到了现实性的极致。The plan was as good as it could realistically have been from the project manager’s perspective.

很少有人切实关注可卡因或海洛因等硬毒品的合法化措施。Few people are realistically looking at measures to legalise hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin.

其问题最终归结为美国和中国能够现实地向对方要求些什么。The question ultimately comes down to what the U.S. and China can realistically ask of each other.