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这是个微分方程。It's a differential equation.

拥有17个净胜球。A goal differential of plus-17.

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几个微分方程。Couple of differential equations.

得到一个微分方程。So we have a differential equation.

打乱工资级别制度。That would upset the wage differential.

在虎钳中翻转差速箱。Invert the differential case in the vise.

另一个关于收入差别的例子。One other example of a paid differential.

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好,让我们回到这个微分式。OK, and now we return to this differential.

连线至差速压力开关。Connect wire to pressure differential switch.

参阅常微分方程。Notions on non-linear differential equations.

要制作一个差分驱动器我需要有什么呢?So what do I need to have differential drive?

这是一个偏微分方程,对吗?So, it's a partial differential equation, OK?

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符号具有任意性和差异性。The signs are both arbitrary and differential.

在中国,通常没有这样的差价。In China, there usually is no such differential.

一个直线差动变压器有三个线圈。A linear differential transformer has three coils.

在差速器中,这些都是指减速比。These refer to the gear ratio in the differential.

得到了紫外波段的差分吸收截面。Differential absorption cross section are obtained.

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我们不再讨论微分方程式。And let's not even talk about differential equations.

中心静脉压测定在鉴别诊断上有重要意义。CVP is of great importance in differential diagnosis.

它只适用于度量时间差。It is useful only for differential time measurements.