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其它工具对OER是惟一的。Other tools are unique to OER.

在沙拉上喷洒韭葱。Sprinkle scallions oer your salad.

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他们轻捷地跳过了小溪。They leaped lightly oer the stream.

在山丘和谷地上飘荡。That floats on high oer vales hills.

OER项目的实际代价变化相当大。The actual costs of an OER project vary considerably.

当BMI大于40时就可认为是病态的肥胖。A person with a BMI of oer 40 is considered morbidly obese.

一个6英尺,体重300磅的人所具有的的BMI值就会超过40。A 6 -foot , 300 -pound person, for example, has a BMI of just oer 40.

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在门口前的路边有一个标牌上写着“当心假冒伪劣商品”的警示语。Near the front gate, a sign oer the road warns, "Beware of counterfeits ."

OER直接牵涉到基础设施和教育这头两点。OER directly involves the first two points of infrastructure and education.

班卓走上不归路的那天,我在穿上衣时,它摇晃地走到我跟前。The day Banjo died, he walked unsteadily oer to me as I was pulling on my coat.

长期服用大剂量抗酸药的病人骨折的风险高出2。The risk was 2. 6 times higher among people who took high doses oer a long period.

对多数患者而言,普瑞巴林与加巴喷丁比较治疗DPN有什么优势还不清楚。For many patients, it is still unclear what advantages pregabalin has oer gabapentin for DPN.

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OER补足技术基础设施,使之能够为革新创造新的机会。OER complement enabling infrastructure technologies to create new opportunities for innovation.

教师也可能通过访问适用于专业师资培训的自学OER变成学生。Teachers can also become students by accessing self-study OER for professional teacher training.

两篇文章叙述了OER的许多例子及其在各种各样环境中的成功应用。Both articles describe many examples of OER and their successful application in various settings.

但是对年轻男子的包皮环切术也将长期影响公关卫生。But, it said, circumcising younger males also will hae a public health impact oer the longer term.

栓塞物之间的对比不在本次研究的讨论范围。Relatie success of one embolization agent oer another is beyond the scope of this particular study.

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妻子也打算许个愿。可是她靠的太过去,掉下井,被淹死了。The wife decided to make a wish, too. But she leaned oer too much, fell into the well, and drowned.

如果他们有一个开放课件收集,你可以找到一个单一的第三方超过在收集?If they have an open courseware collection, can you find a single third-party OER in the collection?

它是使你越过障碍的力量,它是推动你向美好生活前进的燃料。It is the power that takes you oer obstacles, the fuel that propels you toward the life you enision.