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统计员用图表来表示统计结果。The statistician diagrammed the statistical results.

塞拉过去教心理学,而现在她是一个公司的统计员。Sara used to teach psychology, but now she's a corporate statistician.

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来见见著名的神学统计学家塞西西斯尔思韦特爵士。Meet Sir Cecil Thistlethwaite, the celebrated theological statistician.

萨拉过去教过心理学,不过现在她是一个公司的统计员。Sarah used to teach psychology , but now she is a corporate statistician.

政府统计计算所有选民的选举人口。The Government Statistician calculates the electoral population of all electorates.

仔细探讨IEM交易者的特质,可能会让统计学家抓狂。On close inspection, the characteristics of IEM traders would drive a statistician batty.

统计学家赫尔曼·霍尔瑞斯用打孔卡把1890年美国人口普查数据制成表格。Statistician Herman Hollerith used punch cards to tabulate data from the 1890 U.S. census.

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Wacholder博士则作为同样是由NCI支持的HPV疫苗接种试验的统计学顾问。Dr. Wacholder reports serving as the statistician for the same NCI-sponsored HPV vaccination trial.

这让我想起一个统计学笑话,在一个平均水深为10英寸的游泳池里,谁会被淹死。It reminds me of a joke about the statistician who drowned in a pool with an average height of 10 inches.

她上布莱尔高级中学二年级的时候,一位校少年棒球队的教练叫她去做球队的统计员。In her sophomore year at Blair High, a junior varsity baseball coach asked her to be the team statistician.

我的图表和一般的统计性图表不同,它使用了我自己发现的一些东西作为基础。My charts are different from the charts of the average statistician because they are based on a discovery of my own.

但我最喜欢的陵墓是18世纪统计学托马斯·贝叶斯的,贝叶斯滤波就是以他命名的。But my favoritetomb is that of Thomas Bayes, the eighteenth-century statistician for whomBayesian filtering is named.

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美国公众舆论统计学家乔治·盖洛普诞生于衣阿华州杰斐逊城。他于1933年制定出盖洛普民意测验法。George Gallup, American public op inion statistician who evolved the Gallup Polls in 1933, was born at Jefferson in Lowa.

同样,现在越来越多的人通过网络交友约会网站寻找另一半。Likewise, increasing numbers of people now seek a partner via internet dating sites, " said ONS statistician Phil Gooding.

前滑铁卢大学统计专家李大卫没有一把火烧了美国经济,他只是提供了火柴。Former University of Waterloo statistician David X. Li didn't burn down the American economy. He just supplied the matches.

一项工作完成后车间统计人员要把所用的工日和设备台帐报给场地部统计人员。After completion of one work, workshop statistician shall report to statistician of Yard Department the used man-day and Equipment Account.

而此前,不管是曼联包括官网在内的官方统计,还是媒体,都把这个进球算在了英格兰国脚身上。United's club statistician and official media outlets, including ManUtd. com, had previously credited the strike to the England international.

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这位美国的统计学家是盖洛普民意测验的首创者。盖洛普民意测验是为了测量民意对其调查样本进行统计的科学方法。Gallup was an American statistician who invented the Gallup Poll, a successful statistical method of survey sampling for measuring public opinion.

许宝騄是中国最早在概率论与数理统计研究方面达到世界先进水平的杰出数学家。As a pioneer of Chinese probability theory and mathematical statistics, Pao-Lu Hsu was a statistician who was the most creative in the 20th century.

彩票背后的技术问题深深吸引了斯里瓦斯塔瓦,这个拥有麻省理工学院与斯坦福大学学历的专业统计学家。As a trained statistician with degrees from MIT and Stanford University, Srivastava was intrigued by the technical problem posed by the lottery ticket.