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纵火者是谁?Arson person who be?

他纵火烧了自己的房子。Of or involving arson.

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所有证据表明是纵火.All the evidence points to arson.

关于起火原因及纵火者,至今众说纷纭。This fire was no doubt caused by arson.

你不怕被当做纵火犯遭到惩罚?Do you not fear to be punished for arson?

警方正在调查两起纵火案。The police are investigating two cases of arson.

叶芝在诗里想象了主动燃火。Yeats imagines a kind of active arson in this poem.

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奥勒面临纵火和谋杀指控。Oyler ? faces arson and murder charges in the blaze.

澳大利亚发生森林纵火案。The was a arson happened in the forest of Australia.

我对任何纵火犯是决不宽恕的,朋友们!I have no tolerance, gang, for anyone who commits arson.

纵火案比以前增多,嫌疑人竟然就是房屋业主。Arson becomes more frequent, and the owners are suspected.

已有四名消防员以身殉职,政府官员称这是一场纵火案。Four firefighters have died already and officials say it is arson.

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大量的事实表明,这是一起罪恶的杀戮,罪恶的纵火,罪恶的抢劫。Facts have proved that this is an evil crime of murder, arson and robbery.

警方正在调差起火原因,并且称不排除是纵火。Police are investigating the cause of the fire and say arson has not been ruled out.

官方称,此次火灾是蓄意纵火,燃烧了160,000公顷的范围。Authorities say the blaze was set by arson and has burned to more than 160,000 acres.

墨西哥一警员涉嫌在赌博场所纵火报私仇而被捕。A state police officer in Mexico has been arrested in connection with an arson attack.

你如果不学佛法,杀人,放火,偷东西,警察就会捉你坐监。If you don't study the Buddhadharma, you may kill, or steal, or get involved in arson.

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他们同样控告这位23岁的水军下士,约翰。威尼姆克一级纵火罪。They're also charged 23-year-old Marine Corporall John Wimunc with frist-degree arson.

在包奇,有报道称警方阻止了不法分子在一个选举中心的纵火行为。In Bauchi, there were reports that police had foiled an arson attack on an election centre.

这些民兵盗匪在村落里打人、抢劫和纵火,制造了恐慌不安的气氛。Beatings, looting and arson by marauding militias have created an atmo here of fear and i ecurity.