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哭出一条河。Cry me a river.

它靠近一条小河。It is on a river.

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那这是哪条江啊?What river is it?

月河与我。Moon River and me.

月亮河与我。Moon river and me.

一条河还是一条溪?A river or a stream?

蓝色山溪啊。Blue mountain river.

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我住在银河路。I live by the river.

大河源出清泉。River need a spring.

为什么一条河会很富有?Why is a river rich?

河在此分叉。Here the river forks.

那河是黄色的。That river is yellow.

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天河神生下来了。The heaven river god.

江流激荡。The river is surging.

这条河很长。This is a long river.

这条河长一些。This river is longer.

去看伊犁河呀。To see the Ili River.

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这条河多深?How deep is the river?

救生艇在奥怀希河。Raft the Owyhee River.

他们涉水过河。They forded the river.