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这实际就是唯美主义浪荡子的艺术主张。This actually is the art of aestheticism dandy ideas.

王尔德及其唯美主义在中国的影响与接受。Oscar Wilde and influence and reception of his aestheticism in china.

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唯美主义排除了社会批评或情感的真实性吗?Does "Pure" Aestheticism Preclude Social Critique or Emotional Authenticity?

王尔德是唯美主义的忠实拥趸和实践者。Wilde is the aestheticism faithfully supports the wholesale and the practice.

到了20年代末30年代初,上海唯美主义思潮进入了它的鼎盛期。In the late 20s and early 30s, Shanghai aestheticism entering its peak period.

应时而生的唯美主义则为他提供了一种最高品质的生活空间。At that time, Aestheticism provided him with a kind of noblest existential space.

谷崎润一郎是日本唯美主义文学流派的代表作家。Tanizaki Junichiro is a typical aestheticism writer in Japanese literature history.

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谷崎润一郎是日本唯美主义文学流派的代表作家。Tanizaki Jun ichirou is the representative writer in Japanese aestheticism movement.

唯美时尚的设计是她的外观,清纯淑女的风格是他的灵魂。Aestheticism fashion design is her appearance, and purified lady's style is his soul.

散文诗,从人间烟火中走进唯爱唯美的艺术境界。Prose Poetry walks from world's life into an art state full of love and aestheticism.

不但雕塑美的形象,还牵引人们对恋爱唯美的梦幻。Not only beautiful image, also traction sculpture of love people dream of aestheticism.

对女性开始有特定的审美要求和匀称的身材。Women's figures gradually started to have a certain aestheticism and symmetrical stature.

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奥斯卡•王尔德是唯美主义的最积极鼓吹者,也是唯美主义文学的身体力行者。Oscer Wilde was the most active advocator and also the earnest practitioner of aestheticism.

很容易滑向极端的非道德领域,从而孕育出唯美主义的恶之花。Very easy to slide into extreme non-moral areas, which gave birth to aestheticism Les Fleurs du Mal.

西方唯美主义戏剧思潮型塑了中国现代戏剧的面貌,尤其是历史剧。The stream of aestheticism in Western drama modeled modern Chinese drama, especially the historical play.

但杨锴所追求的从死亡中救赎的精神“魔力”主要在一个美学主义领域。However, the magic of spirit-salvation from death which Yang Kai pursues lies mainly in aestheticism field.

同时,他们尚文采的唯美文学观也对寒门文人产生了深切的影响。Meanwhile , their aestheticism of esteeming literary grace had a profound influence on scholars from humble home.

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下篇重点论述了袁昌英对精神分析学说、唯美主义、泛神论的选择与接受。The second part pays more attention to Yuan's choice and acceptance of Psychoanalysis, Aestheticism and Pantheism.

它从“文学情感性”、“审美反映论”、“自由的生命表现说”三个方面对“文学是什么”的本质追问进行了回答。Part two discusses the expression of aestheticism . It answers the question of "what is literature" from three aspects.

艺术的泛生活化和货币化颠覆了审美主义艺术救赎的主旨。The pan-life stylization and the commercialization of art eventually subverted the redeeming orientation of aestheticism art.