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活见鬼了?What the heck?

他可怎么才能做到幽默呢?How the heck does he do that?

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我在这里到底要干什么?What the heck am I doing here?

——至少我们肯定可以让它慢下来!We can sure as heck slow it down!

那在那里做是什麽木栅?。What the heck is that doing there?

你他妈的怎么能看到鸡脚的?B. How the heck you see chicken feet?

哪里是“大洋彼岸中国”?Where the heck is Transoceanic China?

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你们觉得在Halifax能学到什么?What the heck can you have in Halifax?

找到了。这个鬼东西在这儿干嘛?Right here. What the heck is this doing in there?

新的导管周围低回声信号到底代表什么?What the heck is this new periductal hypoechoic sign?

真见鬼,是这么回事。有人记得任天堂的“灵幻道士”么?Heck yeah, anyone remember Phantom Fighter on the NES?

我都没想到这让我吓一跳。I didn't expect it and it surprised the heck out of me.

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女人觉得这是懦弱无能的表现,对这点她们厌恶无比。Women find it wussy, and it annoys the heck out of them.

除此之外,据我观察,“到底谁又能取代他呢?Besides, as I observed, "Who the heck could replace him anyway?

争得够呛,弄得咱们一晚上没眨眼皮。The couple had a heck of an argument and kept us awake all night.

我母亲说“人要电脑干什么?“And my mother said, "Why the heck would a person need a computer?"

我本应该把那封信邮寄出去可邮票到底哪儿去了呢?I’m supposed to mail that letter but where the heck are my stamps?

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是的,假如东风26攻击一个航母,一切禁锢将会打破。Yes, if the DF-26 ever zaps a carrier, all heck is gonna break loose.

google搜索后还是没有找到办法,如何才能制作没有下划线的链接?That can’t be. How the heck did we make non-underlined links back then?

如果你总是忘记那鬼IIRC代表什么,去这里查看。If you always forget what the heck IIRC stands for, here's where to look.