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但是在新加坡就不同了。But not in Singapore.

我来自新加坡。I come from Singapore.

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他们是新加坡人吗?Are they from Singapore?

李连杰加入新加坡籍?Jet Li a Singapore citizen?

新加坡也有燕房!Singapore has Swiftlet Farm!

我是王妃。我来自新加坡。I'm Rani. I'm from Singapore.

李萍住在新加坡吗?Does Li-Ping live in Singapore?

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新加坡从121点下滑至105点。Singapore fell from 121 to 105.

大英帝国是以新加坡为枢轴的。The empire pivots on singapore.

海外艺人为什么比新加坡艺人红?Singapore ppl no talent one lar!

新加坡动物园位于万里湖路。At the Singapore Zoo Wanli inside.

新加坡能成为文艺复兴城市吗?Can Singapore be a renai ance city?

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你女朋友是新加坡人吗?Is your girl friend from Singapore?

在新加坡得到的盈利率甚至还更低。The ratio in Singapore is even lower.

我在马来西亚,新加坡旁边。I stay in Malaysia, next to Singapore.

在英国、马来西亚和新加坡被禁演。Banned in the UK, Malaysia and Singapore

第一次来狮城是在1997年初。I first visited Singapore in early 1997.

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我经常写信给我在新加坡的笔友。I often write to my pen pal in Singapore.

新加坡近日将允许开放蹦极运动。Singapore will now permit bungee jumping.

但是新加坡真的让人那么无感吗?But is Singapore really so "disinteresting"?