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简直是荒唐至极。That is manifestly absurd.

这显然是不可能做到的。This manifestly could not be done.

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很明显,这三个未知因素对性生活的活跃起了一定作用。All three x-factors are manifestly at play during a sexual romp.

在那个世界,他们甚至会清晰地看见上帝的圣美。Even they will manifestly behold the Beauty of God in that world.

显式类型语言要求声明每个变量和每个函数参数。A manifestly typed language forces you to declare each variable and each function argument.

奥巴马医改所作的非法的交易很明显违反了这一标准。The illegitimate bargains on which ObamaCare is premised manifestly fail to meet this standard.

中国政府曾有保护知识产权的誓约,但其热情却微乎其微。China’s government has vowed to protect intellectual property, but its enthusiasm is manifestly limited.

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性情不定之人有明显之改变,而无明显之原因,最易涉贪污之嫌。Whosoever is found variable, and changeth manifestly without manifest cause, giveth suspicion of corruption.

黑暗势力的痛苦与折磨不停,直到交出政权,目前显然即将失去。The cabal's trials and tribulations will not cease until it relinquishes the power now so manifestly lost to them.

显然,犹太化了的各区之间这种互相往来的串联具有在财政上和政治上的很大便利。Manifestly this intercommunicating series of Judaized communities had very great financial and political facilities.

如果判案明显不公平,故意与人为难,或者欺压一方,辩护人和原告有没有申明抗辩的自由?Whether advocates and orators had liberty to plead in causes manifestly known to be unjust, vexatious , or oppressive?

领导世界的重任必然要交付给少数一些明显无法免费搭乘的大国。The burden of global leadership inevitably will fall on those few governments that are manifestly too big to free-ride.

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然而它明显是先前写的著作的复制品,由于抄写员的原因明显发现有一点错误。D. It is, however, manifestly a copy of a work previously written, as slight errors evidently due to a copyist, are found.

我们依然是一个弱国,我们在军力、经济力和政治组织力各方面都显得不如敌人。We are still a weak country and manifestly inferior to the enemy in military, economic and political-organizational power.

但管理性感资本不只是那些外貌出众、生活风光的本地名流的事。But managing erotic capital is not just for the manifestly beautiful, those who lead the charmed lives of local celebrities.

因为种族而批评一个人很明显是失去理性和荒谬可笑的,但是批评他们的信仰,那是一种权利。这是种自由。To criticize a person for their race is manifestly irrational and ridiculous but to criticize their religion, that is a right.

如果特朗普失败了,原因在于他明显毫无总统气质以及他侮辱美国几乎所有群体的倾向。If he loses it will be because of his manifestly unpresidential temperament and a tendency to insult almost every group in America.

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最早期的炼金术作者的文章至少有一部分对我们保存了,明显就是亚力山大大帝希腊-埃及人。The earliest alchemical writers whose writings have been in part at least preserved to us were manifestly Alexandrian Greek-Egyptians.

我们可以打击或达到一些预先指定的目标,虽然要占领那样的一个国家明显是不可能的。We could attack and acquire specific designated objectives, possibly indefinately, though occupying such a country is manifestly impossible.

严肃的读者也许不屑考虑这样稀奇古怪的问题,但现今大众文化中对嗜肉的食尸鬼的关注是显而易见的。Serious readers might dismiss these questions as fanciful, but concern about flesh-eating ghouls is manifestly evident in today's popular culture.