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多见有肝脾肿大。See splenomegaly having liver more.

一般无淋巴结及肝脾肿大。Do not have lymph node and liver splenomegaly commonly.

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当怀疑肝病时,应该寻找肿大的脾脏。When liver disease is expected, splenomegaly should be sought.

有的甚至有腹痛、下肢疼痛。Some even had abdominal pain, legs pain, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly.

脾肿大常见原因之一是肝硬化门静脉高压。One of the most common causes for splenomegaly is portal hypertension with cirrhosis of the liver.

结论中药离子透入对慢性肝炎伴脾肿大的治疗有显著效果。Conclusion TCM iontophoresis has obvious therapeutic effect on chronic hepatitis with splenomegaly.

以黄疸、乏力、皮肤瘙痒、纳差、肝脾大为主要表现。The majority of PSC patients presented with jaundice, fatigue, pruritus, anorexia, and splenomegaly.

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临床表现包括腹腔积液、脾大、侧支循环形成与开放。The clinical manifestations include ascites, splenomegaly and formation and opening of collateral circulations.

脾静脉结扎后可以成功建立脾肿大和血小板减少、红细胞减少的脾亢模型。Models of thrombocytopenia, erythropenia and splenomegaly were established successfully by ligation of splenic veins.

静脉侧支循环的表现,腹水及脾肿大可伴门脉高压而出现。Vein side raises circular performance, ascites and splenomegaly can accompany door pulse maximum pressure and appear.

大多数患者以门静脉高压的症状或体征为起病表现,尤其是消化道出血、肝脾肿大多见。CHF is a rare disease with first symptom which is liver hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and upper gastrointestinal bleeding.

脾肿大对血小板输注效果无影响,可能与调查样本少有关。However, patients with splenomegaly have little impacts on their platelets transfusion, which may due to smaller sample size.

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这样的脾肿大通常预示有骨髓增生型疾病,例如慢性髓性白血病或骨髓纤维化。Such massive splenomegaly is usually indicative of some myeloproliferative disease such as chronic myelogenous leukemia or myelofibrosis.

然而,肝脏移植患者中脾脏肿大程度与血细胞减少的联系仍不清晰。However, the relationship between the severity of splenomegaly and alterations in the blood cytopenia in LTx recipients remains to be clarified.

体格检查主要发现为肝、脾大,有时因脾大伴有慢性溶血性贫血。The medical examination mainly finds out liver and spleen are over-sized, sometimes accompanied by chronic hemolytic anemia due to splenomegaly.

静息性的肝硬化可能在出现因门脉高压引起的充血性脾肿大导致的无症状的血小板减少症之后才被发现。Silent cirrhosis may be discovered after the finding of asymptomatic thrombocytopenia caused by the congestive splenomegaly of portal hypertension.

红细胞生存时间正常,晚期有血色病伴脾肿大及脾机能亢进时,可以缩短。Red blood cell lives time is normal, terminal when disease of redness of skin accompanies splenomegaly and lienal function hyperfunction, can shorten.

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体格检查对脾大的敏感性不佳,所以不应作为排除传单诊断的证据。The insensitivity of the physical examination in detecting splenomegaly means that it should not be used as evidence against infectious mononucleosis.

孤立性胃底静脉曲张、肝功能正常、脾肿大是胰源性门脉高压最典型的临床表现。The major clinical symptoms of pancreatic portal hypertension are isolated gastric fundus varices with normal liver function and unexplained splenomegaly.

查体可见肝脏肿大,质地中等或较充实,伴轻度压痛和叩击痛,少数有脾肿大。Physical examination shows enlargement of the liver, texture medium, or more full, with mild tenderness and percussion pain, a small number of splenomegaly.