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你形容自己是再生的肉食动物。You describe yourself as a born-again carnivore.

“没有哪一种食肉动物会错过一顿如此大的美餐的,”他补充到。"No carnivore worth its salt would pass up that kind of a meal," he added.

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毫无疑问,素食主义者和小食肉动物之间是有冲突的,不过我们还是克服了。There's definitely a conflict in being a vegan that lives with a tiny carnivore.

因此,如果你选择过吃荤的生活,尝试着吃些天然的产品。So, if you do choose to lead a carnivore life, try to go all natural on the meat.

科迪亚克熊亦即一种棕熊,是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物。Also known as the brown bear, the Kodiak grizzly bear is the world's largest land carnivore.

这种鬼鬼祟祟的动物其实是肉食者,不过还是被香醇的果实引诱到树上来了。This stealthy animal is really a carnivore but is tempted into the trees by irresistible ripe fruit.

根据现有的数据,我们无法确切了解灵长目动物与大型食肉动物之间的相互影响。With our present data, we don't know what precisely the interactions were between a primate and a big carnivore.

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虽然跃龙没有它的猎物那么庞大,但是拥有巨兽龙同身材的跃龙是世界上所有过数量最多的食肉动物。While it was not as gigantic as its prey, Giganotosaurus' overall size makes it the largest carnivore that has ever lived.

该系统最初被称为食肉动物,但由于糟糕的公众形象,导致它被重新命名为更加无辜冠冕堂皇DCS1000。The system was originally called Carnivore but bad publicity caused it to be renamed to the more innocent-sounding DCS1000.

不仅草食动物依赖植物所提供的蛋自质和能量,而且肉食动物也间接的依赖着植物所提供的能量。Not only quality of since the egg offered of plant and energy that the plant-eating animal relies on, but also the carnivore.

对像我这样的食肉动物老说,吃一大口红烧猪肉仅次于活在天堂。A giant bowl bouilli from my sister--- being a carnivore as I am, gaving a mouthful of pork is second only to being in paradise.

克里斯曾经说熊猫是进化的尽头,一种食肉动物吃起了草,这当然不同寻常。Chris has talked about pandas being an evolutionary cul-de-sac, and it's certainly unusual for a carnivore to take up herbivory.

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人类由于接触狐狸、浣熊、臭鼬、豺、猫鼬以及其他食肉性野生宿主后患狂犬病死亡的情况极为罕见。Human deaths following exposure to foxes, raccoons, skunks, jackals, mongooses and other wild carnivore host species are very rare.

这个秋天,一个研究组宣布他们在马达加斯加的一个湖中发现了一种食虫植物。Just this fall, a team of researchers announced that they had found a new species of carnivore lurking in one of Madagascar’s lakes.

闪雷兽是潘朵拉星球上最可怕的肉食者,从它的外观上看,它可能是宇宙中已知的最坚韧的食肉动物。The manticore is the most fearsome of Pandoran predators, and by the look of it might be the toughest carnivore in the known universe.

这些新发现补充了些关于恐龙是如何在进化史中出现的详细资料,其中当然包含了霸王龙这种典型的食肉动物。These finds have fleshed out details about the emergence of their kind over evolutionary time, including the quintessential carnivore.

乍看之下,袋狮的牙齿不像典型的食肉动物。所以罗伊博士对这种生物进行终极测试。At first look, thylacoleo's teeth don't resemble those of a typical carnivore. So Dr. Roe is putting the creature to the ultimate test.

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北极熊是陆地上最大的四条腿食肉动物,比主宰阿拉斯加内陆的棕熊大了近三倍。Polar bears are the biggest four-legged carnivore on land, almost three times bigger than the brown bears that dominate Alaska's interior.

报道说,这是自1895年婆罗洲鼬獾被发现之后,人们在该地区发现的首个可能存在的新的食肉类动物。The potential new species of carnivore in Borneo would be the first since the discovery of the Borneo ferret-badger in 1895, the WWF said.

实际上,他们的早餐香肠馅饼和鸡肉饼太像肉做的了,有时连吃荤的人都能骗过。Actually, Their breakfast sausage patties and chicken patties taste so similair to the real thing, that they have been known to fool a carnivore or two.