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他据理反对麻醉的作用。He argued against the use of anaesthetics.

他雇用了一名新的麻醉学顾问医生。He hired a new consultant in anaesthetics.

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你可能会觉得奇怪,为什么去掉牛角需要麻醉?You may wonder why having a horn cut off requires anaesthetics.

大多数局部麻醉剂的问题是,它们的作用没有针对性。The snag with most local anaesthetics is their lack of specificity.

一个原因是疼痛,做手术没有麻醉剂。One of these was pain, operations had to be done without anaesthetics.

使用动物对于发展麻醉学具有至关重要的作用。The use of animals has been central to the development of anaesthetics.

在18世纪动手术是很困难的,那时没有麻醉剂。Operations were difficult in the 18th century . In those days there were no anaesthetics.

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使用麻醉药品的医务人员必须具有医师以上专业技术职务并经考核能正确使用麻醉药品。The medical worker who prescribes any anaesthetics for the patient must be a qualified physician or a surgeon, who is tested to have been able to use such drugs properly.

第二项发现是胎儿在子宫里处于自然镇静和无意识状态,因此调研组的专家建议堕胎时无需使用麻醉。A second finding is that the foetus is naturally sedated and unconscious in the womb, leading the panel to advise that anaesthetics for the foetus are not needed when it is terminated.

大多数应用于临床的局麻药物都是相对疏水性的分子,可弥散通过细胞膜,作用于阻滞部位的钠通道。Most local anaesthetics used clinically are relatively hydrophobic molecules that gain access to their blocking site on the sodium channel by diffusing into or through the cell membrane.

药物对映体结构特异性对局麻药药代动力学的各个过程都有着很大影响,包括药物的吸收、蛋白结合率、代谢等。The enantiomer-specific structure of local anaesthetics has large impact on the pharmacokinetic process of these drugs, including absorption, protein-binding ratio, metabolism, and so on.