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夏季营养食品是什么?What is summertime nutrition food?

季夏是蚊子肆虐的时候。Late summertime is mosquito season.

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夏天夏天。期待期待!Summertime will be a love-in there.

夏季皮肤过敏怎么办?。How does summertime skin allergy do?

夏季是一年中最好的时光。Summertime is the best time of the year.

等到夏季的时候再用玉米和草莓。Leave the corn and strawberries for summertime.

受害者都是在夏季遇害的。Both victims were slaughteredduring the summertime.

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夏日在旧金山会是个很棒的时节。summertime will be a wondering time in San Francisco.

夏季皮炎治疗的灵丹妙药是啥?。Is the panacea that summertime dermatitis treats what?

夏季中暑感冒用什么药好呢?With what medicine is summertime heatstroke cold good?

饮料业在夏天总是兴旺繁荣。The soft drink business always booms in the summertime.

夏日阅读通常是为逃离现实世界的。Summertime reading is about escaping from the real world.

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夏季鼻子脱皮,有何好方法可以治?Summertime nose desquamate, he Haofang law can be treated?

在夏季有许多人都出国旅游。A lot of people travel to foreign countries in the summertime.

这个夏天可能是您唯一能够恶补这些课程的时候了。The summertime may be the only time you can squeeze in some courses.

特殊人群的夏季饮食需要注意点什么啊?。What does the summertime food of special crowd need to notice to nod?

在美国,冰棒是孩子们的夏日最爱。In America, popsicles top the list of children's summertime favorites.

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嗯,喝茶可以帮助消化、提神、解暑。Yeah, tea aids digestion and is refreshing during the summertime heat.

制作快速、简单且清爽的沙拉一直是夏日里的一道开心美味。Quick, easy and refreshing, salads are always a pleasure in summertime.

除此之外,在春季和夏季,养蚕的季节,我们赚到4,000元。Plus, in spring and summertime –silkworm time –we made about 4,000 Yuan.