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政委坚持将此书列为禁书。The commissar insisted on indexing the book.

为男低音,合唱队和钢琴而作的“政委誓言”。"The Oath to the People's Commissar", for bass, chorus and piano.

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来时政委告诉她,会有人上车站接你。When the commissar told her, someone will pick you up at the station.

如果涨价,商人必须从价格委员那里得到特殊许可证。To increase his prices a dealer must have a special permit from the Price Commissar.

不甘心的李彪找政委评理,王政委只是让他养足肉体。To find the commissar reason, LiBiao WangZhengWei just let him keep sufficient flesh.

为了救出胡晓月,曹刚政委决议本人去找林振海会谈。In order to free HuXiaoYue, cao commissar resolution himself to find LinZhenHai talks.

从昏迷中清醒的李彪来到了曹政委与胡晓月的坟墓前,堕入了深深的自责中。From a coma sober LiBiao came with the HuXiaoYue commissar cao grave, falling in a deep era.

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俄罗斯球员必须然后选择一个从他手中的一张牌,把筹码,根据委员。The Russian player must then select one card from his hand and place it under the Commissar Chip.

周永康现任公安部部长,他第一次担任国家武装部常委。Zhou serves as the minister of public security and the first commissar of the Armed Police Force.

一九四七年一月下旬一个寒冷的日子,我坐在薄政委住宅中的一张舒适的太师椅上。On a cold day, late in January 1947, I sat in a comfortable, plush chair in Commissar Po's residence.

我方冀中军区损失惨重,袁政委在这场战役中不幸牺牲。Our Hebei military region, political commissar of losses, unfortunately at the expense of the battle.

吴司令看过电报,命令集合全军,救援龙家集。The commissar with a telegram came in a hurry, said the massive build-up, positive dragon house set on.

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政委给出雷远二十四个小时的时间,无论成不成功,必须及时攻打大渡口。Commissar LeiYuan given 24 hours of time, no matter into is not successful, must attack dadukou in time.

最后,还任命上官于飞为狐牙峰八路支队的副政委。Finally, also appointed shangguan form for fox tooth peak. 8 deputy political commissar of the detachment.

左同军戏耍了姜海一番后,告诉他申请表政委已经帮他填好了。ZuoTongJun play after Jiang Hai, tell he has to help him fill out the application form political commissar.

在对峙期间,那个政委忽然兴奋地宣称他看到了那个德国人并站了起来。During the confrontation, political commissar of that excitement that he suddenly saw that German and stood up.

余东风一听就火了,非要干掉左竹,被贺司令和政委生生拦住。Wind on a fire, not to kill the left bamboo, he was a commander and political commissar of the students stopped.

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她痛打了李彪,分开了卫生院,并通知曹政委,林振海曾经有了另外喜欢的女人。She thrashed LiBiao, separated institutes, and notify the commissar LinZhenHai once, cao with another like women.

王富贵在不远处,看到政委不够乐观的形势,尽全力的配合着,保护着。Wang Fu lies not far away, see the commissar is not optimistic situation, try my best to cooperate with, protected.

一般来说,由区政治指导员或区长向他们训话后,就把他们放走。Generally, the subdistrict commissar or the district government head would give them a lecture and then let them go.