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白色的花在月光下闪烁着。To flicker or glimmer, as light.

野芥菜摇曳田垅。Wild mustards flicker in the field.

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野芥菜摇曳田垅。Wild mustards flicker on the field.

注视着火焰在屋里闪烁。Watch the flames flicker in the room.

直接点亮,无闪烁,无杂音。Direct light on, no flicker and noise.

这种闪烁由光电管所接收。This flicker is detected on a photocell.

电影里面的一个虚幻影子似的整个傻冒。A full fool feel like a flicker in a film.

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霎时间一切开始发光,融合。allowing the world to flicker and to fuse.

海风吹拂嫩芽轻摇。And tender shoots flicker in the sea breeze.

牛郎即使不来,银河依旧闪烁。Gigolo even not come, Milky Way still flicker.

这就允许快速重画从而避免了闪烁。This allows smart-repainting to avoid flicker.

她眼中扑闪着疑虑。An awful flicker of doubt appeared in her eyes.

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我曾眼见自身的伟大时刻如叶颤栗。I have seen the moment of my greatness flicker.

艾蒙的脸上闪过一丝疑惑。A flicker of confusion passed across Armon's face.

我们看著在墙上摇曳不定的火光。We watched the flicker of the firelight on the wall.

而余火仍然在地狱般的林间闪烁着。Small fires still flicker across a landscape in Hell.

他看着我,冷酷的眼神里闪过一丝嘲笑。He looked at me, a flicker of amusement in his cold eyes.

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设计了一种用于零中频GPS接收机的低闪烁噪声混频器。A low flicker noise mixer for zero-IF GPS receiver is presented.

在地震过后的满目疮痍里闪烁着两线模糊的希望。Two faint hopes flicker in the sodden gloom left by the earthquake.

他垂下了头,但我看到他又困惑地瞥了我一眼。He bowed his head, but I saw him flicker another puzzled look at me.