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看客们或啜饮美酒、或豪饮冰啤。Onlookers sip wine and guzzle beer.

交替性厌食暴食症有治吗?。Does guzzle disease have alternant sex anorexia treat?

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不要暴食这种东西,可是,用来烹饪或者滴一些在沙拉里十分美妙。Don t guzzle the stuff, but its fine for cooking and drizzling on salads.

期待听故事双赢作为奖品的人多喝咖啡和品尝他们的饭菜。Expect to hear stories bandied about as people guzzle their coffee and savor their meals.

人们倾向于大吃大喝,而这些大吃大喝摄入的热量往往比人们意识到的还要多。People tend to guzzle their calories and it really adds up, often more than they realize.

稳定的血糖能有效防止过度饥饿引起的暴食及肥胖。Steady blood sugar can efficiently prevent guzzle and fatness which is aroused by excessive hunger.

这也是你会狂饮咖啡,暴食高糖份大餐的时刻。This is also the time when you are most likely to guzzle down more coffee and eat a high-sugar treat.

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如果您已经一阵子没喝什么水,千万不要狂饮雨水,这样会生病的。And if you haven’t been drinking much, don’t guzzle a fresh supply of rainwater. That will make you sick.

在马拉松过程中,您必须饮用运动饮料,而对于10K和5K,这是多余的。You must guzzle sports drink during the marathon, also, but such imbibing is superfluous in the 10K and 5K.

他们认为,人为降低汽油价格是鼓励家庭和公司抢购汽油的行为,此举必将使得全球油价飙升更高。Artificially cheap prices, they said, encouraged households and firms to guzzle more oil, pushing global prices higher.

中国还取消了许多旨在促进出口的奖励措施,尤其是对那些造成严重污染的企业。It has canceled many incentives devised to promote exports, especially for companies that guzzle energy and pollute heavily.

英国人的饮酒量比德国人、希腊人和意大利人要大,不过比不上法国人和西班牙人,法国人每年喝掉的纯酒精多达22品脱,而西班牙人要喝掉20品脱。This is more than Germany, Greece and Italy but less than France who guzzle a whopping22 pints and Spain who drink 20 pints.

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英国人的饮酒量比德国人、人要大,不过比不上法国人和西班牙人,法国人每年喝掉的纯酒精多达22品脱,而西班牙人要喝掉20品脱。This is more than Germany, Greece and Italy but less than France who guzzle a whopping 22 pints and Spain who drink 20 pints.

大质量的恒星消耗其内部核燃料的速度更快,很可能没等复杂生命演化出来,整个恒星就已经燃烧殆尽。Brighter, more massive stars, which guzzle their nuclear fuel more quickly, may burn out too quickly to allow complex life to evolve.

当地政府应避免盲目追求GDP增长而投资于一些狂烧能源,制造污染的生产部门。Local governments should refrain from recklessly pursuing GDP growth by investing in sectors that guzzle energy and spew out pollution.

从理论上讲,至少,这将是最好的选择尽可能高的频率,但在实践中,最高频率可以狂饮了处理器的功耗。In theory, at least, it would be best to select the highest possible frequency, but in practice, the highest frequencies can guzzle up processor power.

工程师们一直都在坚持不懈地提高我们产品的能源效率,比如让汽车油耗更低,或者让电灯泡耗电更少,但亮度更高。Engineers are always plugging away to get better energy efficiency out of our products -- like cars that guzzle less gas or light bulbs that burn brighter on fewer watts.

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科学家们说正是因为额外的暴饮暴食导致了全球气候的变暖,现在南北极冰层正在消融,水平面正在升高,热带雨林正在消失。The scientists say providing extra grub for them to guzzle adds to carbon emissions that heat up the world, melting polar ice caps, raising sea levels and killing rain forests.

这项由欧洲晴雨表民意调查机构开展的调查发现,虽然英国人喝酒的频率并非欧洲最高,但他们一旦喝起酒来,就会喝很多。The study by pollsters Eurobarometer found that while Britons are not Europe's most frequent drinkers, once we are on a drinking session, we guzzle more alcohol than anyone else.

在一场战斗状态下药水仅能喝一次或者仅限于特定的一段时间,你不能像暗黑一样狂灌。Potions can only be drank once in a single combat situation or within a certain period of time, you can't just guzzle a stack of them which avoids the potion fest that was Diablo.