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我可以延期支付申请费吗?。Can I defer the application fee?

我还是把它留给席勒吧I'll defer those to Bob Shiller.

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我可以安全地推迟这一决策吗?Can I safely defer this decision?

在这些事情上我们都听她的。We all defer to her in these matters.

你可延期至下周支付。You may defer payment until next week.

要青年对老年恭顺,现在是过时了。It was out of date for Youth to defer to Age.

经常运动锻炼,可延缓衰老。Frequent exercising can defer the decrepitude.

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这个部门推迟了六个月才作决定。We wish to defer our decision until next week.

我们通常把这类问题呈交主席处理。We defer questions of this kind to the chairman.

相反,推迟那些您不需要作出的设计决定。Instead, defer design decisions you don't have to make.

我们在这次迭代中加入可以加入的东西,而推迟完成其它东西。We fit what we can in the iteration and defer the rest.

直到那时,美国都倾向于遵从他们在巴黎的英雄们。Up to then, US artists tended to defer to their heroes in Paris.

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杨发嗯学校推迟的问题表示理解。Yang Fan for schools to defer the issue expressed understanding.

马布里和我,也许我们互相都太让了。Stephon and I, we probably tried to defer to each other too much.

四川人可不管那么多,火锅就是什么菜都可以下到一锅。However our Sichuanese defer to this, we can put all into one pot.

这会设置只读默认编辑模式,特定字段、行或单元格可以重写该默认模式。When in doubt, set the edit mode to read-only and defer to others.

一个月吃两次紧急避孕药,这个月经期会延迟吗?!A month eats urgent prophylactic twice, this menses meeting defer? !

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然而,如果你可以延迟,那么就意味着你拥有更大的灵活性。However, if you can defer them, it means you have lots of flexibility.

如非必要的访问,请推迟72小时去墨西哥的旅行计划。Please defer non-essential travel to the Mexico City area for 72 hours.

当您推迟设计决定时,您是在保留对更改的选择。When you defer design decisions, you're reserving your option to change.