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个人所有制。Individual ownership.

个人授权。An individual mandate.

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我个人意见是返朴归真。My individual opinion is art.

必须公开个别的工具。Individual tools must be open.

我们可以尊重个人We can respect the individual.

B2C销售针对个人。A B2C sale is to an individual.

个体差异是关键。Individual differences are key.

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我这个人不善交际。My this individual is farouche.

那就是你的个人密码。That’s your individual password.

谁是个人项目的冠军?Who was the individual champion?

你真是杰出人材。You’re an outstanding individual.

你是一个可以应付繁忙工作的人吗?Are you a multi-tasked individual?

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是否侵犯了个人权利?Does it violate individual rights?

代扣代缴个人所得税!Withholding individual income tax.

他的写作方法别具一格。He writes in a very individual way.

但这是关乎个体的改变。But this is about individual change.

任何个人的权力都不能凌驾于法律之上。No individual shall overtop the law.

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作为个人你能做些什么呢?And what can you do as an individual?

我们只是个人站长。We are individual stationmaster only.

极度崇尚个人自由A fierce belief in individual liberty.