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针脚很匀。The stitches are neat.

他一共缝了不下四十针。He needed over forty stitches.

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我缝了十五针。I had fifteen stitches put in it.

包边缝用覆于其上的长针脚缝纫…To sew with long, overlying stitches.

当她干针线活时,她的针脚总是弄的很长。When she sewed she made long stitches.

她做针线活时针脚很大。When she sews she makes long stitches.

她已收完了最后几针。She has cast off the last few stitches.

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那护士用针缝合了伤口。The nurse closed the wound with stitches.

伤口缝了14针。The wound was closed with fourteen stitches.

使用很短针锁定到位。Use very short stitches to lock it in place.

前襟边面线宽度不均匀。Uneven width of top stitches at closure edge.

比利·博伊德拍摄时总忍不住笑。Billy Boyd was "in stitches" during the shoot.

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在这行的结尾收七针。At the end of the row, cast off seven stitches.

你能够看见缝针扎出地小洞。You can see the pricks where the stitches were.

就看看这针法和花边吧。Just look at the tiny stitches and the lacework.

这个裁缝正在她的店里收针。The tailor was binding off stitches in her shop.

封锁平滑的针织项目的针。Blocking smooths the stitches of a knitted project.

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她的衣服以密针缝了很好看的褶裥。Her dress was beautifully tucked with tiny stitches.

给我缝针的医生也是这么想的。The doctor who gave me the stitches also thought so.

这种痛楚便是众所皆知的肋部刺痛或抽筋。These pains are commonly known as stitches or cramps.