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排灯节是一个充满热情与欢乐的节日。Diwali is celebrated with fervor and gaiety.

伯莎抑止住逗乐的情绪,开始吃饭。Bertha repressed her gaiety and began to eat.

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她的表情早已从欣喜转为严肃的模样。Her face had turned from gaiety to seriousness.

气氛欢乐而活泼。The atmosphere bubbles with gaiety and vitality.

她的神态显出一种她并未实际感受到的快乐。Her manner professed a gaiety that she did not feel.

我为世界带来欢笑,愉悦和温暖。I bring laughter, gaiety , and warmth into the world.

他们被现场的欢乐气氛深深感染了。The gaiety of the occasion swept them off their feet.

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我们只好重新学习这门忘却已久的寻欢作乐曲本领。We have yet to learn again the forgotten art of gaiety.

不知为什么她觉得这种快乐是装出来的。She felt, without knowing why, that the gaiety was assumed.

大都市的花花世界使他感到眼花缭乱。He was dazzled by the gaiety and splendour of the metropolis.

“别害怕,你们这些胆小如鼠的东西!”只听得她用戏谑的口气说道。"Don't be scared, chickens! " came her voice with teasing gaiety.

“别害怕,你们这些胆小如鼠的东西!”只听她用戏谑的口气说道。"Don't be scared, chickens, "coming her words with teasing gaiety.

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如果他有一个小时不在,他们仿佛也会意兴索然。If he was absent for even an hour, they seemed to lose their gaiety.

是的,圣诞节是欢声笑语和歌声嘹亮的节日,是收到美好而奇妙的礼物的节日。Yes, Christmas is for gaiety and song, for good and wonderful gifts.

但随着时间的流逝,人们开始注意到穆赛德斯脸上失去了曾经的快乐表情。But as time passed, men observed a want of gaiety in the once sparkling Musides.

在他看来,她现在的欢快简直就象在教堂讲坛的阴暗角落中发出的笑声。Her present gaiety sounded to him like laughter heard in the shadow of the pulpit.

“增添了生活中一些趣事而已”,杂志发言人笑着这样说到。"It all adds to the gaiety of life, " said the journal's spokesperson with a laugh.

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巴黎,是个有五分之四的居民死于悲伤的快乐城。Paris is a city of gaiety and pleasure where four fifths of the inhabitant die of grief.

这种欢畅自得的神情往往使他们在听众的意见里先声夺人。This gaiety of countenance often gives them the advantage in the opinion of the hearers.

他俩的一生很凄惨,但也很放荡,是心灵中所流露出来的真放荡。Theirs was a sad life, and yet it was one of the gayest, with a gaiety that came from the soul.