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死亡和交税.Death and taxes.

死亡就是终结。Death is the end.

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那么什么才是死亡?So what is death?

不要怕死。Do not fear death.

死亡证书。A death certificate.

死亡是可逆的。Death is reversible.

壹死了百债。Death pay all debts.

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他被处死。He was put to death.

吓死我了。我怕得要死。I'm scared to death.

许多人被冻死了。Many froze to death.

他烦死我了。He bored me to death.

我只喜欢死亡金属乐。I'm into Death Metal.

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但是死神很狡猾。But Death was cunning.

我能幸免于死吗Do I survive my death?

我被烦得要死。I am plaguyd to death.

我把他扼死了。I choked him to death.

只揭露枯萎和死亡。Only blight and death.

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她最后流血至死。She had bled to death.

因此,我们能够欺骗死亡吗?So can we cheat death?

成功有如死亡。Success is like death.