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我从没说过容易。I neve said it was easy.

做事不能半途而毁。Neve do thing by halves.

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我永远不会伤害你,或对你撒谎。I'll never hurt you, or neve lie.

专家说这种疾病不能够治愈。Experts say the disorder neve goes away.

就算我没教你,那别人呢?Even I have neve taught you, how about others?

如果我看不到你的身影,又怎能说天长地久?If i see you next to neve , How can i say forever?

原谅我永远不愿与你分离。Forgive me for neve wanting to be apart Sandra Robbins Heaton.

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还有,你是怎么知道你是同性恋的,如果你从未和女人上床过?So, how do you know that you'e gay, if you neve slept with a women?

永远记住它们,永不忘却,这样你就能成为最出色的人。Always remember them and neve forget , and you will become the best person you can be.

在尼夫8804不仅增加推子控制到8816,它提供了扩展的功能。The Neve 8804 not only adds fader control to the 8816, it provides expanded functionality.

纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道谁会爱上你的笑容。Neve frown, even when you are sad, because you are never know who is falling in love with your smile.

有些邻居骂彼得?费瑟斯通是老狐狸,但即使这些人也从没指责他虚情假意。Even those neighbours who had called Peter Featherstone an old fox, had neve accused him of being insincerely polite.

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韦迪认为,在当前多重不确定因素的情况下,可以确定的是更多中国人将使用互联网。Neve believes that the current multiple uncertainties, it is certain that more Chinese people will be using the Internet.

不懂激情的人也就不懂爱情,因为只有完全忘却自我时,爱才会产生。A man who does not know what passion is will neve know love because love can come into being only when there is total self-abandonment.

Neve与Gliz的设计本意是代表雪与冰,它们是从237项设计方案中选出的,令人担心的是那些落选的方案看上去会是怎样的。Meant to represent snow and ice, Neve and Gliz were chosen from among 237 proposals, though one fears what the losing candidates looked like.

由内维·坎贝尔饰演的悉妮又重回荧幕了,而她一旦出现在惊声尖叫的电影中,那么就意味着鬼脸杀手又要在威兹堡横行肆虐了。Sidney, played by Neve Campbell is back on screen. And if you see her on Scream, it only means that Ghostface is out to wreak havoc, now in the town of Woodsboro.

在加萨走廊南部的犹太人屯垦区尼夫德卡里姆附近,有一群巴勒斯坦示威民众正寻求掩护来躲避以色列坦克攻击。Palestinians protesters take cover in front an Israeli tank during clashes near the demolished Jewish settlement of Neve Dekalim in the southern Gaza Strip September 6, 2005.