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策略2严格优势于策略1strictly dominates 1.

我们老师评分很严。Our teacher marks strictly.

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严禁吸咽!Smoking is strictly prohibited!

书摊的经营受到严格管制。The trade is strictly regulated.

我的医生严格地令我做饮食控制。My doctor is dieting me strictly.

医生正严格规定我的饮食。The doctor is dieting me strictly.

他是个绝不说谎的人。He was strictly a no-horseshit man.

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但是,它严格族通婚。It is, however, strictly endogamous.

施工现场严禁烟火。The scene strictly forbids fireworks.

同样,立场9严格优势于立场10So similarly, 9 strictly dominates 10.

体罚是严格禁止的。Corporal punishment is strictly banned.

好吧,严格来说,在很久以前就应该行动了。O.K., strictly speaking it’s long past.

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交通法规将被严格执行。Traffic laws will be strictly enforced.

塔斯肯人生活严格仪式化。Tuskens live a strictly ritualized life.

说实在,我只对摇滚乐有兴趣。Actually, I'm strictly into rock 'n' roll.

新加坡人与狗不得入内!Singaporeans and dogs strictly prohibited!

我们要严格遵守纪律。We should strictly observe the discipline.

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确保HSSE政策被很好地贯彻。Ensure HSSE policies are strictly followed.

又或者严格上来说只有灵魂。Or perhaps strictly speaking just the soul.

在公司范围内,均严禁吸烟。Smoking is strictly forbidden in all areas.