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他把自己的儿子辛巴达叫到身边。He calls to his son, Sinbad.

辛巴达与美人鱼公主。Sinbad. and. Mermaid. Princess.

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我要和维特一起去看电影“辛巴达”。I'm going to see "Sinbad" with Victor.

辛巴达就是这样变得远近驰名、富可敌国吗?Is this how Sinbad had become so famous and fabulously wealthy ?

还记得水手辛巴达以及海的老人的故事么?Remember the story of Sinbad the Sailor, and the Old Man of the Sea?

辛巴达花光了父亲留下的遗产,决定出海赚钱。Sinbad spends all his father's money, and decides to sail and seek for fortune.

辛巴达在海面上漂流了几天后,终于漂到一个富饶的小岛上。After Sinbad floated several days on the sea, he finally drifted to a rich island.

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辛巴达现在拥有许多的仆人,但刚刚在故事里他只提到六个仆人。Sinbad now had dozens of servants, but he mentioned having only six in this story.

在这部引人入胜的片子中,辛巴达和恐怖的怪兽正面交锋,但最后总能克敌制胜。In this fantastic film, Sinbad faces horrible monsters, but always comes out on top.

在这部引人入胜的片子中,辛巴达和恐怖的怪兽正面交锋,但最后总能剋敌制胜。In this fantastic film, Sinbad faces horrible monsters, but always comes out on top.

事实上,还有些人认为他是传说中水手辛巴达的原型。In fact, some people think he was the original model for the legendary Sinbad the Sailor.

见识过这么多事物的水手辛巴德对于家庭生活是不会怎么感兴趣的。I know, and family scenes have not much effect on Sinbad the Sailor, who HAS seen so many others.

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这款软件的功能分成多个模块,不同的模块可以允许你进行特殊的搜索。Sinbad Search uses modules to organize its functionality and different modules allow you to search specific information.

它令人想到的是神秘的化身和喧闹的集市,但追寻阿里巴巴、辛巴德和阿拉丁的足迹该又该是多么浪漫的事啊?It conjures up images of intrigue and noisy bazaars but how romantic would it be to retrace the steps of Ali Baba , Sinbad and Aladdin?

喜剧演员辛巴德也同样出现在了加州拖欠税款人员的名单中。他的经纪人说他对此并无评论。Comedian Sinbad is yet another celebrity to appear on a list of California taxpayers with the largest delinquent income tax bills. His publicist said he had no comment.

这款软件是动态的搜索信息,并不只是一个RSS阅读器,而是一款无能你在哪里都可以帮你找到你所要知道的信息的软件。Sinbad Search is for looking up information on the go, it is not just intended as another RSS reader but software for finding information you need using your phone wherever you are.