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防雨篷在船艏楼左边房间。The rain tents are in the forecastle port cabin.

在首部甲板上安装首楼甲板。Forecastle deck shall be provided on forward deck.

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注意!禁止到船首。Attention! Entering forecastle of vessel prohibited.

艏楼甲板应该有小的舷弧用于排水。The forecastle deck will have small sheer for drainage.

“我的船有前部水手舱和灯泡有轻微损毁,”我徐徐道来。"My vessel has only slight damage on forecastle and bulb, " I intone.

关闭所有上层甲板、船头、边舱和生活区四周的门窗。Pieces of chain security wire with pad to be fitted on forecastle deck.

设计有一连续的主甲板和艏楼,艉楼。The ship is designed to have continuous main deck, forecastle and poop.

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为海难救助坚持在艏楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men On forecastle and crew—nest for salvage Of sea casualty.

为海难救助坚持在案首楼和了望台派设了望人员。Kept lookout men on forecastle and crew-nest for salvage of sea casualty.

驾驶甲板、尾楼甲板、主甲板、首楼甲板总共设9只救生圈。Bridge deck, poop deck, main deck, forecastle deck shall have total 9 life buoys.

关闭所有上层甲板、船头、边舱和生活区四周的门窗。B Close all openings on the upper deck , forecastle , side ports, and around the living quarters.

乔拉爵士醒着的时候基本上都在前船楼上踱步或者倚在围栏上看海。Ser Jorah spent most of his waking hours pacing the forecastle or leaning on the rail, gazing out to sea.

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有一回他努力想把自己从昏沉里唤醒过来,便到水手舱去和水手们见面。Once, he tried to arouse himself from his lethargy, and went forward into the forecastle with the sailors.

一艘横渡大西洋的班轮从纽约出发一个小时后,船上烧火工人们的前舱。The firemen's forecastle of a transatlantic liner an hour after sailing from New York for the voyage across.

我总是作为水手出海的最后一个原因是那有益健康的劳碌和前甲板上纯净的空气。Finally , I always go to sea as a sailor, because of the wholesome exercise and pure air of the forecastle deck.

首甲板救生筏检验证书将在一个月后到期,申请年度检验。The survey certificates of the rafts on forecastle deck will expire in a month and annual survey should be applied for.

为保护缆绳免受损伤,在艉封板后、尾楼甲板、艏楼甲板和部分舱壁处应装有半圆钢。Half-round bars for protection of lines to be provided at transom stern poop deck forecastle deck and partly on the bulkhead.

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在她的前船楼上立着一座怪诞的船首像,这个虫蛀的木雕大人物看上去似乎患了便秘,其中一只胳膊下塞着一个卷轴。At her forecastle stood a grotesque figurehead, some worm-eaten wooden eminence with a constipated look and a scroll tucked up under one arm.

在对艏楼甲板进行照度计算时还引入了新的方法,使我们对一些有一定倾角安装的灯具的照度计算有了通用公式。This paper use new method on the forecastle deck's lumination calculation , then dedude currency formula for every light which fixed with some angle.

在首部甲板上安装首楼甲板。锚机,系泊配件和锚链管、艏桅杆处等的甲板结构需要加强。Forecastle deck shall be provided on forward deck. Deck structures in way of windlass, mooring fittings, hawser pipes, foremast etc. shall be reinforced.