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没什么去干扰你。Nothing to broadside you.

小汽车撞了卡车的侧面。The car hit the truck broadside on.

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从舷侧吹过来的风使船斜行到河岸。Broadside winds crabbed the boat close to the riverbank.

它几乎侧面站着,巨大的头昂起,转向他们。He was standing almost broadside , his great head up and turned toward them.

我是在读到詹姆斯·汉森最新的反对燃煤的文章时想出上面这个建议的。This suggestion came to mind while reading James Hansen's latest broadside against coal.

卡拉克战舰侧舷密集排列舷炮,适合远洋航行。A large capital ship armed with broadside firing cannons. Capable of travelling across the ocean.

官方国家媒体借此继续调查铁道部的失职。The official state media took Mr. Wen’s broadside as a pass to keep digging into Railways Ministry incompetence.

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1722年,罗伯茨在与HMS斯沃罗德战斗中,被船舷的散弹击中身亡。In 1722, Roberts died during a battle with the HMS Swallow after getting hit by grapeshot during a broadside attack.

战舰配备更多水兵,因而更为致命,其舷炮一次齐射可击沉当时大多数战舰。Galleasses carry more sails than true galleys, and are far deadlier. A broadside from a Galleass can devastate most ships.

舷侧阵的波束形成方法、高分辨方法和阵列误差校准技术就是课题的重要研究内容。So, beamforming, higher resolution method and array error calibration for broadside arrays became important research contents.

生产过程中每一步都有专利保护,使药品专利所有人能够对仿冒者采取法律行动.Patents protect every step of the way, allowing incumbent drug makers to launch a legal broadside against those that follow suit.

英国上尉查洛纳·奥格勒设计捕获了罗伯兹,并用排炮攻击了他的船。British captain Chaloner Ogle trapped Roberts and with a broadside attack using cannons at his ship killed Barthelemew Roberts in 1722.

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多次撞击最危险的情形之一是,汽车打转,从各个角度发生撞击,包括最致命的,侧面撞击。One very dangerous result of numerous impacts is that cars are spun around and hit from all angels, including the most lethal angel of all, broadside.

达尔文随Beagle号也来过此地,并记录下了冰川断裂的巨大响声,他形容“那回响就像是一艘军舰通过航道时的万炮齐鸣”。Darwin came here on the Beagle and noted that the sound of calving bergs "reverberates like the broadside of a man-of-war through the lonely channels."

本文给出了一种新型双偶极子型宽带印制天线,并设计出相应的类平行宽边耦合双线双面馈电结构。A new type of broadband printed twin dipole antenna is proposed in this paper. Corresponding feed structure of broadside coupled parallel line is also designed.

船横靠在岸边,每条船都并排紧紧地绑在一起,链条穿起每条船保证安全,在外侧把锚放下固定它们的位置。The boats are broadside on the shore and each row is made fast, side by side, the whole secured by chains and anchored at the outer side to keep them in position.

为了装配舷侧炮,他们把船体加宽,制造出多出的甲板空间和更大的稳定性,而且他们撤销了很多或全部的划手来给舷侧炮提供更多的空间。In order to mount broadside guns, they widened the hull for extra deck-room and stability, and they removed many or all of the rowers to make room for broadside guns.

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然而,如果宽边的印刷者数错了,而且制造出来的页码不好买的话,这不可能成为一个主要的损失,并且印刷者很快便会知道这个错误。If the broadside printer miscalculated, however, and produced a sheet that did not sell, it was not likely to be a major loss, and the printer would know this immediately.

舰船在战斗中会受到来自空中和水中兵器的攻击,舰船舷侧水下防护结构更是遭受鱼雷、水雷等武器攻击的主要部位。The ships can receive the weapon attack from air and under-water, the ships broadside underwater structure is main part that suffers weapon attack the and so on the torpedo, sea mine.

提出能量流的概念,揭示了水面舰艇舷侧防雷舱的防护机理,从而为防雷舱的防护设计提供了理论基础。Defense mechanism of broadside defense cabin is revealed. The theory presented in this paper provide theoretical basis for effectively design of broadside defense cabin of surface warship.