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在这幅图中,艾达坐在一块尖石之上。In this vision, Ida sits at the cusp.

父亲,我们已经胜利在望了。Father, we are on the cusp of victory.

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它的尖角刺得我鲜血淋漓,遍体鳞伤。It was my bloody thorn cusp , black and blue.

尖点重联的聚类调查及其IMF信赖。Cluster survey of cusp reconnection and its IMF dependence.

在苏比克湾海军基地。一个年轻的男孩即将步入成年。The subic bay naval station. A young boy on the cusp of manhood.

因为他们知道他们能在最有优势的项目上赢回来。They knew they were on the cusp of their highest-scoring events.

牙尖帮,味道香,世间美味聚一堂。Dental cusp gang Flavor fragrance In society delicacy poly a hall.

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牙尖帮,脆软尝,休闲美食王中王。Dental cusp gang Tastes softly crisply Leisure good food Wang Zhongwang.

高牙尖斜度与非中心线负载可引起高应力集中。Higher inclination of cusp and non central loading lead to higher stress.

但当你在品尝着酸甜苦辣时,或许生活已经悄然改变。But when you're on the cusp of something dramatic and maybe life-changing.

我们的家可追溯至1840年,那正是维多利亚和乔治王时代的来临之际。Our home dates from 1840, on the cusp of the Victorian and Georgian period.

弗立斯·克雷斯顿森博士自身的工作集中于了对一种称为“尖端”结构的研究。Dr Friis-Christensen's own work has focused on a structure known as the "cusp".

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虽然它或许处在另一类非常特殊的危机之中,不过,这是另一回事了。It may be on the cusp of a very different kind of crisis, but that's another story.

由于处于人类知识的最顶端,粒子物理看起来的确有点神秘莫测。Out on the cusp of human knowledge, particle physics can seem very esoteric indeed.

我们现在站在世局的交接点,是要地区边界的和平,还是程度更大的混乱状态?We are at the cusp of either a broader peace in the region or an ever-widening chaos.

对目前的趋势加以直接预测会使我们想到国家的失败。A straight-line projection of present trends takes us to the cusp of national failure.

东北红豆杉种子休眠机理与解除技术探讨。Dormancy mechanism and relieving techniques of seeds of taxus cusp idata sieb. et zucc.

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在悬崖的边缘,在酒杯的边缘,在极点——赞美那光明中的前行。On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp -- praise song for walking forward in that light.

新闻集团已经“站在数字王朝的尖端”,Murdonch先生本月初这样宣称。News Corp is "on the cusp of a digital dynasty", Mr Murdoch announced earlier this month.

多数评论员相信我们是处于一个疯狂性和涨价新时代的峰顶。Most commentators believe we are on the cusp of a new era of volatility and rising prices.