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许多人对电视的内容照单全收。Many accept TV hook, line, and sinker.

这傢伙的伸卡球简直不可能打到。This guy's sinker is practically unhittable.

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她完全相信了那个不大可能的事。She swallowed the unlikely story hook, line and sinker.

也就是说他的伸卡球不会下沉并且没有控球。That means no sink on his sinker and a loss of command.

但是大部分的时间王建民都是投伸卡球。But mostly, Guidry conceded, Wang gets outs with the sinker.

小王其实没有学过下沉球一直到他和洋基签约后。Wang didn't learn his sinker until he signed with the Yankees.

挫折,但莱特说他觉得王一直都保持著怡然自在的态度。There is another reason to believe in him, Wright said. Wang's sinker is.

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“就把球丢低点,”小王说,”也许他会看到颗变速球后再来颗深卡球。”"Keep the ball down, " Wang said. "Maybe he'll see a change-up and a sinker. "

我一字不漏地相信了整个故事。我完完全全受骗了。I swallowed the whole story hook , line , and sinker. I was completely taken in.

散热体采用铝合金,表面辅以阳处理。The heat sinker adopts refined aluminum-alloy with anodixe process on the surface pure color.

重一点的铅可以保持钓线紧绷,而且当我晃饵的时候可以让饵的姿态更丰满。The heavier sinker keeps the line tight and puts a ton of action in the lure while I shake it.

我相信他可以用他的伸卡球让打者失去平衡,再用他的速球送打者出局。I believe he can use the sinker to keep hitters offbalance and use the fastball to blow people away.

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这位下沉球专家在洋基球场对上大都会时投出了生涯的10次三振新高,以8-2打败了对手。The sinker specialist struck out a career-high 10 as the Yankees beat the Mets 8-2 at Yankee Stadium.

小王的知名度在他掌握到下沈的握法后,成为比赛中难缠投手那一刻起开始逐步上升。Wang's rise began when he got a grip on the sinker that has become one of the game's filthiest pitches.

小王,在同时表示,在他休息的期间,他最主要的功课还是会努力著训练除了下沉球外的其他球种。Wang, meanwhile, said his biggest objective for the offseason is to develop alternatives to his sinker.

小民说,他更加地信赖他的伸卡球,瞄准好球带中间偏低的位置,于是,球会掉在好球带的角落。Wang said he trusted his sinker more, aiming it down the middle so it would dive to the corner for a strike.

在牛棚的时候感觉很好,我也很想这样投因为我知道印地安人在等我的伸卡球。It felt very good in the bullpen and I wanted to do that because I know Cleveland was waiting for the sinker.

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你也可以用12到20lb的编织线,然后在八字环的另一头加个20寸长的氟碳线前导,然后在中间位置绑钩,末端上倒钓铅。Add a 20-inch fluorocarbon leader to the swivel, tie your hook about halfway down, and your sinker to the end.

你也可以用“拖-停”的手法,这样在你抬高竿尖的时候,铅坠也轻微离底。You can also use a pull-and-drop presentation by raising your rod tip so the sinker also comes up off the bottom.

小王再来又投出颗97英哩的好带之外的下沉球,紧接著又是一颗96英哩的下沉球让他挥棒落空。Wang then followed with a 97-mph sinker out of the strike zone before getting Reyes to swing and miss at a 96-mph sinker.