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任性的小孩──早点上床睡觉。Cranky kid -- earlier bedtime.

我咬牙切齿地冲着怪僻的丈夫大喊。I snapped at my cranky husband.

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谁能责怪他们的不暴躁?Who can blame them for being cranky?

所以,他累了,对员工有点暴躁。So, he is tired and a smidge cranky with his employees.

你的孩子是为新鲜事物啧啧称奇,还是因时差而烦躁不已?Were your kids wowed by new wonders or cranky with jet lag?

过了觉觉的时间还呆在外头玩的尼古拉斯·凯奇变得很暴燥。Nicolas Cage gets cranky when he stays out past his bedtime.

祖父如果不睡午觉就会很暴躁。Grandpa is really cranky if he doesn’t have his afternoon nap.

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燕麦可以帮助你缓解急躁和胡思乱想的情绪。Oatmeal may help if you find yourself feeling irritable and cranky.

肖恩的脾气特别暴燥,他和另一个小男孩吵了起来。Seen was particularly cranky and quarreled with another little boy.

Cranky是专门为50岁以上的上网者设计的。Cranky is search engine designed for Web surfers over the age of 50.

一个满是百岁老人的社会难道不会让人觉得痛苦、厌倦而且诡异吗?Won't a society of centenarians just be miserable, tired and cranky?

而且他还流鼻水,患轻微感冒,看起来有点累,站得不稳。He also has a runny nose, slight cough and seems a bit tired and cranky.

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约格森米哈曼是一个虔诚的,在周边城市胡思乱想德国业余爱好者。J. G. Hamann was a pious, cranky dilettante in a peripheral German city.

但是有时候你会朝令夕改而让人们很难适应你。Yet sometimes you are filled with cranky ideas which people find hard to follow.

如果过敏症让你的鼻子塞住了,你会更容易感到累和不安。If allergies have your sinuses blocked, you may be feeling more tired and cranky.

我是个成年人,这样的时间表都会让我压力很大、脾气暴躁、紧张忙乱。As an adult, that sort of schedule would leave me stressed out, cranky and frantic.

吹泡泡。一个可以令爱动的孩子高兴的,非常好的,消磨时间的方法。Bubbles. Great for whiling away time anywhere and guaranteed to delight a cranky toddler.

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土星在你有关希望和社会娱乐的宫位,但会增添一个摇摆不定的因素。Saturn is in your house of hopes and wishes and social fun, but will add a cranky element.

反过来,比利时人认为丹麦人是一群脾气暴躁的怪B,法国人是一帮傲慢无礼的二B。Belgians, in turn, consider the Dutch to be a bunch of cranky assholes, and French stuck-up.

我发现过去每次去干洗店挂完衣服回来都会变的暴躁异常。For example, I always used to find myself really cranky after hanging up the laundry to dry.