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通常都是些废话。Usually hogwash.

其余的都是废话。All the rest are hogwash.

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那全是一堆废话。That's a bunch of hogwash.

总之就是一派胡言。This is, in a word, hogwash.

来自下水道,也被称为地沟油。It’s from the sewer and it’s called hogwash oil.

政府对那件谋杀案的报告只是一派胡言。The government report about the murder was nothing but hogwash.

废话,政客才是重点打击目标,然而为什么只披露三名商人的名字?Hogwash. Politicians are on top list and how only three business people named?

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实验表明,根据光谱曲线形状差异和吸光度大小可以鉴别掺兑潲水油的花生油,并能定量检测。The results indicated that peanut oil and hogwash oil could be distinguished by absorption spectra.

研究了潲水油、花生油、调和油和葵花籽油的紫外可见光吸收光谱。In this paper, UV-Vis spectra of peanut oil, blended oil, sunflower oil and hogwash oil were studied.

每个在大学时光中学了点东西的学生都能发现这些言论中的废话。Any student who has learnt anything at all in their time at university will be able to spot the hogwash.

坐落在马瑞河畔,乔和克里斯汀-康多的鸿格沃诗公司由三个区域组成。Located on the Murray River, Joe and Christine Caudo's Hogwash Bend property comprises three different zones.

地沟油指从下水道的浮油或饭店餐厅的泔水提炼的油。Hogwash oil refers to oil extracted from oily floats in the drain or leftover food from hotels or restaurants.

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对于近几年所有暴露于企业猪食的大学来说,它真是一针振奋的解毒剂。And what a refreshing antidote it is to all that corporate hogwash to which universities have been exposed in recent years.

可利用电导率的特异性快速测定、鉴别潲水油。Based on the specificity of the oil physical and chemical index, this method could discriminate hogwash fat and edible oil.

这种见解并非完全是废话,即便是在现实生活中,多数女性在在她们疲惫不堪之前就会意识到自己怀孕了。Well the notion isn’t total hogwash although in real life most women know about their pregnancy before they get the vapors.

薄层色谱法可以作为鉴别合格食用植物油与潲水油、煎炸老油的快速方法。Thin layer chromatography can be a quick method to distinguish the frying oil, hogwash oil from good edible vegetable edible oil.

本文将不同浓度的污水与食用油搅拌混合,经静置后取其上层油层来人工模拟劣质泔水油。The extraction process of hogwash fat was simulated to produce hogwash fat by mixing edible oil and sewage and taking the supernatant oil.

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不管是什么类型的饭店,通常你都会吃到由地沟油做的食物,这些地沟油会损害我们的身体健康。No matter what kind of restaurant, the common case is that you will eat food that is cooked by hogwash oil which will do harm to our health.

通篇废话,垃圾文章。在1988年我挣得跟现在差不多。这个人要做更多的调查,学学怎么写文章。This is hogwash what a stupid article. In 1988 I made almost as much as I do now. This Vanessa needs to do better research and learn to write.

基于潲水油理化特征,研究了双氧水、白土对潲水油脱色后的吸收光谱,建立了光谱法监控对潲水油进行双氧水氧化和活性白土吸附脱色的新方法。Base on physical and chemical characteristic of the hogwash oil, the absorption spectrum of the hogwash oil bleached by hydrogen peroxide and activated bleaching earth were studied.