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液晶高弹体是通过对液晶高分子交联而形成的一种软物质。Photochromic liquid crystal elastomer is a kind of new smart material.

第一章综述了有机光致变色化合物的进展。In Chapter 1, the progress of organic photochromic materials was reviewed.

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讨论了它们的化学组成对光致变色性能的影响。The effect of their chemical components on photochromic behavior is discussed.

液晶高弹体是通过对液晶高分子交联而形成的一种软物质。Especially, in 2001, a kind of new photochromic liquid crystal elastomer is developed.

阐明了各记录原理并给出了光致变色材料应用实例。Their recording principle are described and the photochromic media examples are given.

光致变色膜---能随着太阳光的强弱变化而颜色自动由深到浅变化的膜。Photochromic film ---it could change high color to light color , with the Sunlight intensity.

利用光致变色介质的非线性效应特性制成掩膜,可以实现超分辨率光存储。A non linear photochromic mask layer can be utilized for super resolution optical data storage.

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综述了光致变色液晶小分子化合物研究进展及其应用前景。The research progress and the use of photochromic liquid crystal single molecule were summarized.

本论文第二部分对稀土配合物光致变色材料进行了合成及应用研究。In the second part, rare earth polymer complex photochromic materials were synthesized and applied.

光致变色材料是一类具有特殊光化学性质的新型功能材料。Photochromic material is a new kind of functional material that has the special photochemistry property.

测试了这些共聚物在光照下变色和在黑暗中恢复的光致变色性能。The, photochromic behaviors of these copolymers were tested both under illumination and in dark recover.

首先概述了光致变色化合物的最新研究进展。The dissertation is focused on the study of novel photochromic compounds based as the dithienylethens frame.

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本文研究了一类光敏液晶高弹体在紫外光照射下的变形和弯曲行为。UV light induced deformation and bending in certain type of photochromic liquid crystal elastomers were studied.

介绍了多波长光存储的存储原理、系统构成和光盘结构。The storage mechanism, system structure and disc structure of multi wavelength photochromic storage are presented.

在光辐照下,这些化合物在溶液和PMMA膜中均具有良好的光致变色特性。These compounds showed good photochromic reactions both in solution and in PMMA amorphous film by photo-irradiation.

有机光色材料是一种新的记录显示材料,在激光显示全患照相技术中得到了应用。Organio photochromic material is a new record and display material, and has been used in laser display of holography.

介绍了多波长光存储的存储原理、系统构成和光盘结构。The storage mechanism, the sy stem structure and disc structure of multi-wavelength photochromic storage are presented.

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根据光化学反应的原理,分析了光致变色材料的写入过程,建立了光致变色多阶存储写入过程的反射率模型。The write process of photochromic materials was analyzed, and a model was built based on the photochemistry principles.

虫洞状介孔氧化钨之光致色变效应显著并具再现性。The wormhole-like mesoporous tungsten oxide exhibits outstanding sensitivity and reproduction in photochromic properties.

有机光致变色化合物及其相关的化学已研究并发展了有一百多年的历史。Organic photochromic compounds and their chemistry have been developed and studied comprehensively for over a hundred years.