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两个天使伺候他脱衣入浴。Two angels undressed and bathed him.

他脱去衣服,上床睡觉。He undressed himself and went to bed.

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他脱下衣服,迈入池中。He undressed and stepped into the pool.

我的祖父不会再脱衣服。Well, my grandfather was never going to get undressed again.

护士给婴儿脱去衣服,把他安放在摇篮里睡觉。The nurse undressed the baby and bunked him down in the cradle.

她脱去我的衣服,下了床,也很快脱了衣服。After she took my clothes off, she got out of bed and undressed quickly.

“你怎么了?”衣服脱到一半的丈夫问道。What's the matter with you?" asked her husband, already half undressed ."

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冷天淡淡开口,那双平淡的眼精时而冒出精光。Is cold sky of light prologues, that mild eye Jing but all over undressed.

Cheryl为我和她自己脱衣服的时候,我注意到我没有被唤起。As Cheryl undressed me and herself, I noticed that I wasn't becoming aroused.

男孩已经脱完时,他看见狗狗已经向岸上游回了。The boy was almost undressed when he saw the dog come swimming back to shore.

拉下窗帘后,她为我脱衣,比以前容易多了。After pulling down the window shades, she undressed me with more ease than before.

旅行社的发言人说,“游客可以在游泳和日光浴时脱光衣服,但是用餐时是着装的。”Passengers will get undressed for swimming and sunbathing, but will be clothed for dinner.

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他脱下外面的衣服,防弹衣套在绒衣上面,然后再穿上衬衫和短上衣。He undressed and put it on over his woolen underwear, then put his shirt and jacket over it.

帕米拉早就习惯于暴露在男子汉的眼光下,但娘儿们死盯着她瞧确是一种新鲜的感觉。Pamela was used to being undressed by men's glances, but a stripping by female eyes was a novelty.

墓穴的一旁,是大一堆切割好的泥炭、一堆石头和未曾加工的木材。On one side of the pit stood a massive pile of cut turves and a heap of stones and undressed timbers.

在进屋前我脱掉鞋子,我蹑手蹑脚的上楼,我在浴室脱掉衣服,我轻手轻脚的钻进被窝。I take my shoes off before I go into the house, I sneak up the stairs, I get undressed in the bathroom.

他非常小心地脱了衣服,心里庆幸这次偷着出去没有人知道,很快地睡着了。He undressed with excessive caution, and fell asleep congratulating himself that nobody knew of his escapade.

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找到她的海绵包,打开拿出剃刀和一块肥皂,然后在五斗橱前脱掉衣服。She found her sponge bag, opened it and pulled out a razor and a bar of soap, then undressed in front of the chest of drawers.

艺术家吴强从东营艺术区脱光衣服,挤对建筑物的废墟赤裸裸地对已经拆除。Artist Wu Yiqiang from Dongying Art District undressed and huddled nakedly against ruins of buildings that had already been demolished.

保卢斯的勤务兵现在不在了,因此他可以盖着两条毛毯,赤裸着躺在床上睡觉。Paulus orderly was still absent, so Field Marshal removed cover from the bed, put his own two blankets on top, undressed and laid down.