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我们听到了机器声。We heard the machine whir.

时间的金色翅膀飕飕的飞逝过去了。Time flew past with a whir of golden wings.

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寒风呼呼地走了,带着冬天的枯燥和漫长走了。Whir wind togo withtheboring and long winter away.

今天早上醒来,发现一张钞票贴在了床头灯上,呼呼!When I woke up this morning and found a note posted on the bedside lamp, the whir !

去大城市令人兴奋,却也被充满活力的快节奏生活弄得筋疲力尽。A trip to a big city can leave us exhilarated but also drained by the energetic whir of life there.

曾记得一个寒冷的冬天,北风呼呼地刮着,天上飘着鹅毛大雪,地上结了厚厚的冰。Had a cold winter I remember, to whir north, snow goose feather floating in heaven, on the ground end of the thick ice.

杂谈小时候是不喜欢黑人的,总觉得他们黑呼呼的,很粗鲁,很凶悍,像地狱的恶魔。Many tears ago, i do not like black people, and always feel that they and whir , and very rude, very aggressive, like the devil of hell.

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冬天,寒冷的北风“呼呼”地向鹰爪树示威,可鹰爪树毫无畏惧,从不向北风低头。Winter, cold northerly wind "whir" demonstrations to Trachypenaeus tree can Trachypenaeus tree without fear, and never bow to the north.

不管人们形容这种声响还是呼呼声、嗡嗡声还是咝咝声,也不管它究竟是心理作用、自然产物还是超自然产物,至今还没人能找到它的来源。Whether described as a whir hum or buzz and whether psychological natural or supernatural no one has yet been able to locate the sound's origin.

作为一个笔记本电脑的资深用户,我已经习惯了笔记本运行时硬盘的噪音,所以这种安静让我感觉非常怪异。As a longtime laptop user, I've gotten used to hearing the pesky whir of a hard drive when I switch tasks, so the peace and quiet was a weird thrill.

微弱的车前灯掠向公园内的碎砾石路上,车轮随着崎岖的路面上下颠簸着,节奏舒缓的叫人昏昏欲睡。Outside the car, the pale wash of halogen headlights skimmed over the crushed gravel parkway, the rugged whir of the tires intoning a hypnotic rhythm.

即使在汽车熄火及锁着的时候,这些冷却风扇也在呼呼旋转着,所以当你回到车内时,你无需开大耗电的空调。Even when the car is off and locked, these fans whir around, so when you step back into it you don't need to crank up the power-hungry air conditioning.

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你的机器将急速运转,减压一会,你可能要开启coLinux和你的系统里其它一些程序。Your machine will whir and decompress for a while, and you'll likely get a few prompts to "Unblock" coLinux and a few other apps' abilities on your system.

“砰、砰”一棵树还没砍倒,大懒熊就累得坐在地上呼呼直喘气,“哎哟,累死了,累死了,我可受不了。”"Bang, Bang" not cut down a tree, the sloth bear on the straight whir so tired sitting on the ground panting, "Oh, tired and exhausted, and I can not stand.

程序打开非常慢,硬盘吱吱嘎嘎或者不停地呼呼响。或者不停地有信息或窗口每隔几分钟就弹出来。Programs open very slowly, the hard drive seems to click and whir endlessly, and messages, reminders, and pop-up windows jump onto the screen every few minutes.

只有风在呼呼的刮着,卷起路边的沙石,温度下降的厉害,打在脸上生疼,这时就会意识到,冬来了。Only the whir of the wind sand and gravel up the side of the road, the temperature drop dramatically, to fight in the face when it will realize that winter came.

只要取一杯草莓和香蕉用搅拌机捣烂,加一勺蛋白粉和一杯碎冰,就做出一份充满健康活力并富含抗氧化剂的早餐。Simply whir a cup of strawberries and a banana in the blender, add a scoop of protein powder and a cup of crushed ice, and you've got a healthy, on-the-go breakfast filled with antioxidants.

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只要取一杯草莓和香蕉用搅拌机捣烂,加一勺蛋白粉和一杯碎冰,就做出一份充满健康活力并富含抗氧化剂的早餐。Simply whir a cup of strawberries and a banana in the blender, add a scoop of protein powder and a cup of crushed ice, and you’ve got a healthy, on-the-go breakfast filled with antioxidants.

女儿张琴尤其迫不及待想要辍学摆脱农村,她向往城市的高楼大厦和霓虹灯,想要享受“现在”的生活而非未来,这些想法对于一个女孩来说是正常的,她应该开心地过每一天。Qin in particular can't wait to abandon school, get out of the boondocks and move to the city where, surrounded by high-rises and neon and the intoxicating whir of the Now, a girl can have some fun.