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欣赏你自己的身体。Appreciation of your body.

李肇星对此表示赞赏。Li expressed appreciation for this.

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她没什么音乐欣赏力。She shows little appreciation of music.

人民币升值的步伐不会停顿下来。Yuan appreciation won't grind to a halt.

感谢人送礼物时必说的话。This is a small token of my appreciation.

如题!人民币升值会怎样?How will the appreciation of the renminbi?

是啊,他们想表达对员工的感谢。Yeah, they want to show their appreciation.

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所有的受益都来自于资本增值。All the gains come from capital appreciation.

感激的话语总是很受用的。Words of appreciation aren't half-bad either.

对于她的热情帮助,我表达了感激之情。I expressed my appreciation for her kind help.

吴邦国对此表示赞赏和感谢。Wu expressed appreciation and thanks for this.

我想简要地表示我的感激之情。I want to express my appreciation very briefly.

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第五部分,我国人民币升值的应对措施。Part five, Counter-measures of RMB appreciation.

这张卡片是用来表达我对你的欣赏与尊敬。This card is to show my appreciation and respect.

我们想请你吃一顿饭,以表达对你的谢意。We want to take you out to show our appreciation.

为我2011全明星投票吧,不胜感激。Vote me for the 2011 all-stars. Great appreciation.

我要对于你的厚意表示感激。I wish to express my appreciation for your kindness.

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一种深深的知足和感恩心油然生起。A deep feeling of contentment and appreciation arose.

这只是一点小意思,聊表谢意。It's just a little something to show my appreciation.

“她是个规矩的好妞儿,”他赞赏地说。She's a fine decent tart , he said with appreciation.