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这似乎简单易懂。It seems straightforward.

此过程比较简单。This process is straightforward.

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这是一种直观的布局。This is a straightforward layout.

这个够直观吗Did that seem straightforward enough?

推到这些方程也非常直接。And they're straightforward to derive.

使用存档的方法非常简单。The archive method is straightforward.

这里的预测其实很直观The intuition is pretty straightforward.

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关于防盗这件事,没有简单的答案。There's no straightforward answer to this.

这是控制,非常直接。That's censorship, utterly straightforward.

您编写的代码将会简单明了。The code you write will be straightforward.

发送方是非常简单的。The sending side is pretty straightforward.

他个性就是这麽耿直。His personality is stiff and straightforward.

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保罗的句式很直接。Paul writes fairly straightforward sentences.

可穿戴设备也可能是直接的工具。Wearables could also be straightforward tools.

批处理是相当简单的。Batch processing is relatively straightforward.

但是如何能够使此过程变得更简单?But how can you make this more straightforward?

但是事情并不总是那么直接了当。But things are not always that straightforward.

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罗森曼建议直接的办法。Rosenman suggests the straightforward approach.

对于我们的示例,它是一个简单的表单。For our example, this is a straightforward form.

李约瑟的论断比较直率。Needham's argument was relatively straightforward.