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我又开始感到害怕。I feel beginning sacre.

下起点点小雨了。It is beginning to spot.

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而这仅仅是开始。It was only the beginning.

这是第一节课This is a beginning course.

这仅仅是开始。This is only the beginning.

我从一开始就看出来了。I got it from the beginning.

往回想,到一开始。Think back. To the Beginning.

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得胜只是一个簇新的开端。It is only a beginning always.

让我从头说起。Let me start at the beginning.

爱情之花将开始绽放。Romance is beginning to bloom.

而它也才只是刚刚开始。It is also only just beginning.

从今天启初,从天天做止。Beginning today . And every day!

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他的双颊开始松垂。His cheeks are beginning to sag.

他的双颊开始松垂。His cheeks are beginning to sag.

他的嗓子开始倒仓。His voice is beginning to crack.

黑莓开始变红了。Blackberries beginning to redden.

凡事总有一个开头。Everything must have a beginning.

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立夏意味着夏季的开始。It means the beginning of summer.

这些叶子有些蔫了。The leaves are beginning to wilt.

这场革命才刚刚开始。The revolution is only beginning.