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荡秋千是我的最爱。Swing is my favorite.

甚至可以让它摇摆。You can even swing it.

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墙里秋千墙外道。Qiangli swing wall Road.

孩子打秋千在格陵兰。Child swing in Greenland.

我们随秋千也荡起来,来来又回回!Here we swing to and fro!

咱姐妹二人去打秋千。Sisters went out to swing.

扭扭脖子,扭扭腰。Swing your neck and waist.

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看一棵大树、一架秋千。Or a tall tree and a swing.

猴子,猴子,在树上。荡来荡去看着我。Swing around and look at me.

我看见他挥起右臂。I saw his right arm swing up.

来,照我的样子挥动球棒。Now swing your bat like I do.

一起荡秋千.Swing on the swings together.

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你挥动推杆的快慢。How fast you swing the putter.

三岁时在爱荷华州的一个温泉里。On a swing in Iowa, age three.

让我把黑板翻个面Let me swing this board around.

现在球季正打得火热呢。The season's in full swing now.

她在秋千上摆来摆去。Next, I pushed her on the swing.

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请把吊杆甩到外档。Please swing the boom over side.

连一只猫旋转的馀地也没有。There wasn't room to swing a cat.

你可以在上面摇荡,there's rings you could swing on.