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这个设想与耐克产品上的图案太类似了。It is way too similar to the Nike swoosh.

不要在商标图案里用标志性语言。Do not use any "swoosh" or "globe"symbols.

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我姐姐真是一个变色眼线的达人。My sister is such a pro with the eyeliner swoosh.

旋风产非好的设计,而是一种懒惰。A swoosh doesn’t make it good design. It’s just lazy.

耐吉的「斜勾」图案是全球最能被辨识出的标志之一。The Nike "swoosh" is one of the most recognized symbols in the world.

他宁愿多睡一会也不愿意花时间和别人谈论耐克。He was more interested in getting some sleep than talking some swoosh.

然而,这个神奇的耐克创建一个主观保证金,提供远远超过了耐克的价值。However, that magic swoosh creates a subjective margin that delivers far more value for Nike.

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每按一次指令都会听到话机内“哗”的提示声音。Each time you press instruction key, you will hear the indicator sound of swoosh from the phone.

麦当劳的M,耐克的旋风和苹果的苹果都是强大的图标,它可以单独存在。The McDonald's M, Nike's swoosh and Apple's apple are all powerful icons, which can stand alone.

这个符号也起到了指向作用,链接字母a到z,意思是亚马逊的商品无所不包。The swoosh also connects the letters a and z, meaning that this store has everything from a to z.

意大利品牌玛尼的超酷美妆我非常喜欢这款妆容,整个眼线在颜色的变化中流转,即令人惊讶又同时很微妙。I like this a lot, this whole eyeliner swoosh in colors that are so surprising yet subtle at the same time.

一个棕色的塑料盒,上面装饰着Nike标志性的勾,摆放在俄勒冈州比佛敦市的Nike总部会议室桌子上。A brown plastic box , emblazoned with Nike's iconic Swoosh logo, sits on the conference room table at the company's headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon.

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耐克赞助许多备受瞩目的运动员和世界各地的运动队,与高度认可的商标“做就去做”和剔标志。Nike sponsors many high profile athletes and sports teams around the world, with the highly recognized trademarks of "Just do it" and the Swoosh logo.