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你他妈的在我车里干嘛?What the fuck are you doing in my coupe?

在这里梅赛德斯-奔驰有新的C级轿车。Mercedes Benz has the new C Class coupe here.

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这个漂亮的跑车是强大的,因为它是脚踏实地。This comely coupe is as powerful as it is surefooted.

本课题来源于某轿跑车逆向设计项目。This essay comes from a coupe reverse engineering project.

这辆运动跑车的灵感还得从几十年前说起。The inspiration for this sport coupe stretches back a few decades.

标牌树立在那辆白色汽车的引擎盖上。The sign stood alone on the hood of the little white Saturn coupe.

该概念预示了双座E级车将取代CLK车型。The concept also previews an E-class coupe that will replace the CLK.

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她看到了那辆小巧的白色双门双座轿车,停在展示厅对面的远方。She saw that little white Saturn coupe all the way across the showroom floor.

我们的特务抓拍到了在欧洲大陆进行测试的911硬顶版本和可折叠硬顶版本。Our spies have caught both coupe and convertible 911s on test on the Continent.

标致RCZ轿跑车抓住了“乐趣车”的精髓,并提供它看准。The Peugeot RCZ Coupé captures the "fun car" essence and delivers it immaculately.

的370Z跑车具有相同的3.7升自然吸气式发动机的跑车。The 370Z Roadster has the same 3.7-litre naturally aspirated engine from the coupe.

你喝香槟时用细长玻璃杯还是广口浅杯?Champagne. Do you drink it out of a narrow flute or the broader, more shallow coupe?

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E级双门轿车和梅赛德斯GLK是今年选择名单中的新成员。The E class coupe and Mercedes GLK were newcomers to the list of top picks this year.

无论到哪,阿斯顿·马丁牌的运动型双门跑车----DB9高雅的外形都能招来人们艳羡的目光。THE elegant silhouette of Aston Martin’s DB9 sports coupé draws admiring gazes anywhere.

为了纪念他们,法网男子公开赛如今也以“火枪手杯”闻名于世。The Men’s French Open trophy is known today as the "Coupe de Mousquetaires" in their honor.

你只要按一下按钮,这款双门轿车就会变成一辆顶部开启的敞篷车。Yet at the push of a button, the coupé transforms effortlessly into an open-top convertible.

关闭时,简短加强尾部的箱盖形式的延续,面料敞篷的跑车路线。When closed, the short stepped boot lid forms a continuation of the fabric hood's coupé line.

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这款轿跑采用了斗式座椅,搭载了一台大型V8引擎,成功地将性能与舒适性结合在一起。With bucket seats and a big V-8 engine, the coupe managed to combine performance and comfort.

新IS是一后轮驱动的豪华轿跑车,它有著斜背及更圆滑的轮廓。A rear-wheel drive luxury coupe The new IS has sleeker coupe-like contours, a fastback profile.

的WRX将成为一个非常不同的设计,新翼豹的自身的运动跑车。The WRX will become a sport coupe of its own with a very different design from the new Impreza.