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2008年还在计划更多。More are planned for 2008.

我们事事都要周密计划。Have you planned your trip?

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我还没有计划好。I haven't planned them yet.

此事尚待擘画。This has yet to be planned.

你计划好了要买车吗?Have you planned to buy a car?

我今晚计划好了晚餐。I had a dinner planned today.

或许命运早有安排。Maybe destiny has it all planned.

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比你计划的更多的付出。Gine more than you planned to give.

你打算变成个怨妇吗?You planned turns a resentful woman?

按计划,合同将于2010~2017年期间完成。Deliveries are planned for 2010-2017.

我所做的一切都是精心策划的。Everything I do is very well planned.

我们著手绝行有计画的味厥好埋?Shall we with the planned investment?

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他们计划把歹徒杀死。They planned to bump off the mobster.

这家炼钢厂正在建设中。Two new steelworks are being planned.

你已经计画制作张个人专辑吗?。Have you already planned a solo album?

他计划徒步走遍全国。He planned to tramp the whole country.

今晚有什么安排吗?Is there anything planned for tonight?

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她打算环球旅行。She planned to travel round the world.

咱们方案用橡木材料给房间铺地板。We planned to floor our room with oak.

目前,中国没有继续挖掘秦始皇陵的计划。No excavation of Qin's tomb is planned.