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例如在“大学关心网助研中心”就能办到。Collegiate Care Research Assistance, for instance, may do the job.

调解可以由审判员一人主持,也可以由合议庭主持。Conciliation can be conducted by a single judge or a collegiate panel.

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我的妻子大学里就游泳,并且在毕业后转入铁三。My wife was a collegiate swimmer and turned to triathlon after college.

我考进了一所根本没人想念的中专。I got accepted to a collegiate institute that no one else would like to go.

合议庭成员的更换情况应当及时通知诉讼当事人。The parties concerned in the case shall be notified the change of collegiate members.

被申请人所属人员不得担任合议人员。No man of the party against which an application is filed may become a collegiate member.

美国大学体育联合会管理美国的大学体育。The National Collegiate Athletic Association governs college sports in the United States.

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今天肯尼迪总统在白宫接见全国大专足球队明星。President Kennedy met with the collegiate All-American football team at the Oval Office today.

本文主要研究的是大学英语课堂写作的评分方法。This research is concerned with scoring methods for classroom-based EFL writing at collegiate level.

他从学怀俄明州的大学以及参加学院的高尔夫队并获得自然科学学士学位。Kevin attended the University of Wyoming and played collegiate golf while earning a B. S. in Agronomy.

毕业生在各主要航空公司就业数量比任何一所学校都要多。The major airlines hire more alumni from Embry- Riddle than from any other collegiate aviation program.

合议庭又向张某亲属调查,得知张某之父精神不正常。The collegiate bench investigates to Zhang the relative, knew that Zhang the father spirit is not normal.

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法官表示合议庭合议后将择日宣判此案。The judge states collegiate bench closes this case adjudicates choose an auspicious day after discussing.

虽然他自己只有小学文化,但孩子们在大学里学业有成,却让他无比自豪。The children's collegiate successes were a source of pride to the father . he had stopped at the sixth grade.

科学家们检测了12位校短跑队队员的脚部,并将他们与另外12位身高接近的非运动员进行了比较。The scientists examined the feet of a dozen collegiate sprinters and a dozen non-athletes of a similar height.

还有各种学院和初级巡回赛的胜利,再加上数不完的荣誉。And don't forget countless other victories on the collegiate and junior circuits, plus a hefty pile of accolades.

最后,还应当考虑合议制的运用以及法官素质的保障等辅助制度。Finally, the assistant system as collegiate system and judges'quality-safeguard system should also be considered.

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同时,对于高中毕业和大学毕业的女士来说,这个差距更明显。Meanwhile, the difference was even more pronounced for high school grad women than their collegiate counterparts.

打破你的曲棍球冰鞋在此免费视频冰球设备,从一个合议曲棍球教练的意见。Break in your hockey skates with advice from a collegiate hockey coach in this free video on ice hockey equipment.

两年先,伍兹以“您佳,天下”的狭告语宣布入入职业比赛,也正式解束了小门生活。After two years there, Woods turned pro with his 'Hello world' announcement, officially ending his collegiate career.