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它比美国的阿帕奇AH-64要好。It is superior to the American Apache AH-64.

HBase是Apache的Hadoop项目的子项目。HBase is a subproject of Hadoop with its home at Apache.

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我们的战略,将是阿帕奇式的骁勇抗争。And our battle plan will be that of an Apache resistance.

Cayenne在2002年7月就发布了第一个版本,在2006年移到了Apache中。Its first release was in July 2002 and moved to Apache in 2006.

在修改负载平衡器配置文件之后重新启动Restarting Apache for after changing load-balancer configuration file

亨瑞特看见巴勇士身影,骑着匹鞍鞯摇摇,举着把枪冲。Apache warrior reel nakedly on a pony and rush by with a rifle raised.

在一个窗口迅速指挥型“网站阿帕奇”或“网启动阿帕奇”。In a Windows command prompt, type "net stop apache" or "net start apache".

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每个应用服务器在80端口运行了haproxy,而在81端口运行了nginx或者apache。Each app server runs haproxy on port 80 and runs nginx or apache on port 81.

目前,哈里很快就会恢复他的阿帕奇飞行训练,最终成为一名英国陆军航空队的飞行员。Harry will soon resume his Apache training to become an Army Air Corps Pilot.

现在的阿帕契族人居住于亚利桑纳州、新墨西哥州和俄克拉何马州。Present-day Apache populations are located in Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.

作为阿帕奇直升机驾驶员,哈里也可以佩戴皇家空军飞行章。As Apache helicopter pilot, Harry can also wear the Royal Air Force Flight chapter.

这里通常持有的是埃克森美孚,西方石油公司,雪弗龙和阿帕奇。Common holdings here include Exxon Mobil, Occidental Petroleum, Chevron, and Apache.

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群山森林环抱着派恩托普,邻近有福特阿帕切保留区。It is surrounded by the mountains, forest, and by the Fort Apache Indian Reservation.

英国预期将派遣最大的战船搭载阿帕奇攻击直升机前往。Britain is expected to send Apache helicopters based on the country's largest warship.

实时服务系统使用Apache从数据库中读取从user到interest的映射Realtime serving systems use Apache that read maps of users to interests from database

很抱歉,我不记得在那里Xampp安装,但这将是在Apache的文件夹。Sorry, I can't remember where Xampp installs this, but it will be in the Apache folder.

大家应该还记得,今年四月,“维基解密”在网络上发布阿帕奇直升机的视频。In April, you may recall, WikiLeaks uploaded two versions of the Apache helicopter video.

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一架来自阿联酋的阿帕奇直升机在苏尔特被击落,他们轰炸了平民区。An Apache helicopter belonging to UAE shot down over Sirte while it bombed civilian areas.

美国还将向沙特提供70架阿帕奇武装直升机和36架AH-6M小鸟直升机。It also includes 70 of Boeing's Apache attack helicopters and 36 of its AH-6M Little Birds.

2010年1月,JPL基于Apache许可把OODT作为孵化项目提交。In January 2010 the JPL had submitted OODT as an Incubation Project under the Apache License.