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著名的罗马历史学家包括李维、塔西佗和萨卢斯特。Roman historians of note include livy, tacitus , and sallust.

哥尼流•塔西佗是罗马历史学家,生活在大约公元56-120年间。Cornelius Tacitus was a Roman historian who lived circa 56-120 AD.

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塔西佗和班固都为后世留下了丰厚的史学遗产。The heritages of Historiography left behind by Tacitus and Bangu are rish and thick.

塔西佗是源,斯拉维克。它蕴含的泰伯利亚秘密能开创或破灭帝国!The Tacitus is the source, Slavik. Its Tiberium secrets can make or break empires! Find it.

“塔西佗陷阱”的实质是社会公众对政府的政治信任问题。The essence of the "Tacitus trap" is social public' s political trust of the local government.

塔西佗主张史学之最高功能在于“惩恶扬善”。Tacitus claimed that" Punishing the evil and praising the good" is the highest function of history.

因此,维护罗马帝国的统治,是塔西佗写作的真实意图。For this reason, the real intention of Tacitus in writing was to maintain the ruling of Roman Empire.

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第五章在史学观的层面上,主要是从如何求真的角度探讨塔西佗历史写作的特征。The fifth chapter discusses the characters of Tacitus ' historical writing from the point of view of how to achieve the true.

塔西佗史学大致涵盖宏观、中观和微观等三个叙事层次。Generally speaking, Tacitus historiography contains three narrative arrangements, scilicet macro view, middle view and micro view.

在道德史观的意义上,塔西佗的历史循环思想兼有退化与进化的双重内涵。In the sense of Historical view on ethic, Tacitus Historical view on recurrence contained the double properties of degeneration and evolution.

最早的文献记录是公元前98年出版由日耳曼尼亚人出版的拉丁版罗马史书第四十节。The earliest known reference to these people is under the Latinised version Anglii used by Tacitus in chapter 40 of his Germania, written around 98 AD.