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但是另一条旅游线路是参观北约塔林外的网络战争中心。But the other was a visit to NATO's cyber-warfare centre outside Tallinn.

就算考虑到下雪,古老的塔林镇也安静得有点异常。EVEN allowing for snow, the medieval Old Town of Tallinn is unnaturally quiet.

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我在波罗的海诸国的小小探险旅行,最后一段是从塔尔图到塔林的125英里旅程。The final leg of my mini odyssey through the Baltic states is the 125 miles from Tartu to Tallinn.

卡忒.希蓓尔一九九二年毕业于爱沙尼亚「塔林艺术大学」的陶艺及应用艺术学系。Kart Seppel graduated as a ceramics and applied-art artist from Tallinn Art University, Estonia, in 1992.

这家全新的4星级酒店位于波罗的海沿岸,能够俯瞰到海景和老镇Tallinn的风光。Located on the coast of the Baltic Sea, this new 4-star hotel offers views of the sea and the old town of Tallinn.

彼得·劳奇收到国家队征召,参加今晚在塔林举行的欧洲杯预选赛对阵爱沙尼亚这场非赢不可的比赛。Peter Crouch is set for an England recall against Estonia in this evening's must-win Euro2008 qualifier in Tallinn.

按照客人的要求,在收取额外费用的基础上,酒店也为客人提供前往机场、港口、TallTallinn巴士站和火车站的往返班车服务。Transfers from the airport, the port, and the bus and train station of Tallinn are available on request and at an additional cost.

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我想让菲迪亚去列宁格勒或者塔林,因为我是学校的共青团书记所以我得流下来。My plan was to dispatch Fedia to Leningrad or Tallinn while I would remain here because I was the school's Komsomol organization secretary.

因此,从苏联塔林到韩国首尔到日本东京,这么一系列的完全巧合的事件,就需要那些批判第二次大博弈论的人好好解释一番了。Thus from Tallinn to Seoul and Tokyo, that makes quite a series of coincidences that critics of the Great Game II hypothesis have to explain.

以下是运用您创建的模式为一批从纽约运往塔林的草莓酱生成的实例文档。The following is a resulting instance document for a parcel of strawberry jam that is shipped from New York to Tallinn given the schemas you created.

虽然前苏联解体后的头十年形势紊乱,但过去十年本地区的形势较为稳定,从西部的塔林和地拉那到东部的海参巍和比什凯克都是如此。While the first decade after communism was rough, the past decade has been kinder to the region that stretches from Tallinn and Tirana in the West to Vladivostok and Bishkek in the East.