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梅林是个魔林师。Merlin is a magician.

魔术师使用骗术。A magician uses deception.

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我为何称他为一个魔术师?Why do I call him a magician?

魔术师把小鸟变没了。The magician disappeared a bird.

那个魔术师挥舞着他的魔棒。The magician waved his magic wand.

它是一个会施魔法的魔法师。It was a magician who played magic.

玛格达跟着一个魔术师走南闯北。Magda tramped about with a magician.

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魔术家正在变魔术。The magician was doing magic tricks.

魔术师的身上罩著黑丝斗篷。The magician was cloaked in black silk.

魔术师把布单从箱子上拿掉。The magician took the sheet off the box.

召唤星灵出来战斗的星灵魔法师。Call out battle Protoss Protoss magician.

那位魔术师表演了一个近景魔术。That magician performed a close shot magic.

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魔术师概括发生了什麽。The magician recaps what has just happened.

魔术师或探测水源的人使用的棍棒。A baton used by a magician or water diviner.

那位魔术师表演了一个近景魔术。That magician performed a closet shot magic.

展示了咒符和有魔力的饮品。The magician displayed his charms and potions.

魔术师把那个女孩变成了一头老虎。The magician transformed the girl into a tiger.

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或者缠着魔术师要他告诉你他的把戏?Who pesters the magician to tell you his tricks?

但埃里奇一直梦想成为一名魔术师。But Ehrich always dreamed of becoming a magician.

其意为变幻莫测,高手云集的舞台。Magician means a changeable stage full of masters.