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布罗克拒绝就与斯通有关的问题接受采访。Mr. Brock declined to be interviewed about Mr. Stone.

布罗克穿过门口时摔了一跤,观众们窃笑起来。The audience tittered as Brock fell through the door.

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没有其他人会像汤米獾那样放肆地翻掘苔藓。No one else grubs up the moss so wantonly as Tommy Brock.

布鲁克先生说,如果通胀率开始加速上升,他会有所担心。If inflation began to accelerate, Mr. Brock said he would worry.

汤米獾敏捷地挤进兔子洞里去。Tommy Brock squeezed himself into the rabbit hole with alacrity.

Brock表示,你需要为客人自己走一遍预订流程。Brock said you need to replicate the booking process for the customer.

马德里后来又和佩内洛•普布罗克结婚,但是新娘在和自己丈夫度蜜月的时候失踪了,以后就再也没有找到。He remarried to Penelope Brock but she was reported missing on their honeymoon and she was never found.

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“在预订分析过程中,挽救即将放弃的订单是一个快速办法,”Brock表示。“The quick wins in the booking analysis process are the orders that are failing completely”, Brock said.

布洛克还指出,这些变形虫貌似在细菌成长的时候并没有照顾它们,它们更像是在被逼着来进行“耕作”的,不过像变形虫这样来进行养殖的行为在单细胞生物里还是第一次发现。The amoebas don't seem to tend the bacteria while they're growing, so it's a passive kind of farming, Brock noted.

他跑著绕到屋子后边,打算松开绳子让那满满的一桶水落在汤米獾身上。He ran round behind the house, intending to undo the rope in order to let fall the pailful of water upon Tommy Brock.

移民和海关执法局特工布罗克尼-科尔森说,所有的受害者都落入了同一个陷阱。Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent Brock Nicholson says that all of the victims fell into the same trap.

最近在美国犹他州的一个清晨,2岁的双胞胎兄弟鲍迪和布罗克在卧室里玩耍。On one recent morning in the American state of Utah, 2-year-old twin boys Bowdy and Brock were playing in their bedroom.

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每年发生耐药性细菌感染的患者有数千人,但并非所有的人都像Brock一样幸运。But not all the thousands of patients that contract drug-resistant bacterial infections every year are as lucky as Brock.

布洛克同样批评了自由主义者和媒体受众没有做出足够的动作来反对这种右翼的威胁。Brock also criticizes the liberal and objective members of the media for not doing enough to counter this right-wing threat.

据我所知,神父,当事故发生时,你正站在布洛克和普雷沃斯特的西北角吗?As I understand it, Father Belcher, you were standing on the northwest corner of Brock and Prevost when the accident happened?

布鲁克先生和另一位联席经理弗朗索瓦·瓦佩罗非常确信的是,工资的上涨将推动中国消费的增长。Mr. Brock and his co-manager, Francoise Vappereau, are betting that rising wages will propel the growth of China's consumer sector.

布鲁克先生和另一位联席经理弗朗索瓦·瓦佩罗非常确信的是,工资的上涨将推动中国消费的增长。Mr. Brock and his co-manager, Francoise Vappereau, are betting that rising wages will propel the growth of China’s consumer sector.

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布罗克说她在中国生活很高兴,因为她能感受到经济的迅速发展给这个国家带来的众多变化。Brock said she was happy living in China, as she felt the various changes in the country were due to its increasing economic development.

回到华盛顿的市郊,布鲁克,这名软件工程师10几年都没有放过长假了,最终决定计划一张真正的逃亡。Back in suburban Washington, Brock -- the software engineer who hasn't had a long vacation for more than 10 years -- is finally planning a real getaway.

布鲁克和妻子莱丝莉上周某天到佛罗里达海边游玩,顺道在一间餐厅用餐,乔治.布鲁克点了一盘十二颗的蛤蜊,就在他吃了快半盘时,竟咬到一颗珍珠。George and Leslie Brock stopped at a restaurant in Florida last week during a day at the beach. George Brock was about halfway through a dozen clams when he bit the pearl.