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6月1日,让全国的肯德基冷场!May 1, the country's Carrefour cold field!

为家乐福或者乐购送行只是赖先生的目标之一。Seeing off Carrefour or Tesco is just one of Lai's goals.

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2010年,家乐福推出“福到家”的公司宣传口号,进一步实践其社会责任。In 2010, Carrefour China launched the New Slogan in China "Fu Daojia".

还说要去家乐福给他们买好吃的慰劳一下。She also said she would go to Carrefour to get some good food for them.

这套系统拟于2009年向家乐福全球分支机构推广。This system is intended to be popularized to Carrefour global branches in 2009.

但部分投资者认为,强迫家乐福支付红利会削弱公司的实力。But some investors have argued that forcing Carrefour to pay rent would weaken it.

布旭说,家乐福退出俄罗斯将可能发生少量现金损失。Carrefour will likely incur a small cash cost in exiting the Russian, Mr. Bouchut said.

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家乐福是欧洲最大的零售商之一,也是法国重要的命脉。Carrefour is one of the biggest European retailers, and it’s also French for “crossroads”.

如果家乐福不幸成为这一“可怖战争”附带损失的受害者,那也是毫无办法的。If Carrefour become the victim of collateral damage of the "War of Horror", then so be it.

至今为止,家乐福在中国30个城市相继开设了79家门店。After several years of operation, Carrefour has established 79 stores in 30 cities in China.

家乐福在中国拥有180多家超市,沃尔玛门店超过200家。Carrefour operates more than 180 hypermarkets in China and Wal-Mart owns more than 200 stores.

但是,赖先生对于来自像乐购、家乐福和沃尔玛的竞争并不担忧。But Lai is serenely unperturbed by competition from the likes of Tesco, Carrefour and Wal-Mart.

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我和奶奶去家乐福旁边的体育中心大采购,爸爸妈妈准备着年夜饭。My grandmother went Carrefour sports center next to large purchases, Mom and Dad ready to dinner.

数千中国人周六也在中东部城市的家乐福超市外游行示威。Thousands of Chinese also demonstrated outside Carrefour on Saturday in east-central city of Wuhan.

家乐福去年发表道歉信,并被罚款6万8千美元。此后,中国当局在全国范围内禁止有时间限制的促销。Last year, Carrefour issued a letter of apology and received a 68-thousand dollar fine for the incident.

从中部城市武汉拍摄的照片显示大批人聚集在家乐福超市外面。Pictures from the central city of Wuhan showed large crowds congregating outside a Carrefour supermarket.

法国的“家乐福”超市刚进入中国时不卖活鱼,后来为顺应中国人的饮食习惯改卖活鱼了。When Carrefour entered China market, they don't sell live fish. But soon they learned from local markets.

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中国的民族主义这最近对法国零售商家加乐福的抵制就是一个恰当的例子。The recent treatment of French retailer Carrefour at the hands of Chinese nationalists is a case in point.

以具体事实介绍了家乐福在日本市场的发展及最新动向。By analyzing specific cases, the author introduces the development of Carrefour in Japan and its new trend.

作为对此事件的回击,中国的老百姓封住法国超市家乐福的入口。In retaliation people in China blocked the entrances to branches of the French supermarket chain Carrefour.